Won (no doubles)
18th Gennep against 14,683b. (130km)
137th Kalkar against 15,066b. (117km)
757th Venlo against 15,294b. (155km)
Father: “Bento” NL14-1462367
Is father to
1st NPO Sens 4,995b. (18 min lead)
8th NPO Sens 4,995b.
14th Sourdun 5,502b.
Super results OLR South-Africa ‘15/’16
Is a half-brother to:
“Good Aim”: 3rd final race SAMDPR
Uncle to:
1st final race OLR Pattaya
Born out “Bjarne” (base breeding cock - original De Rauw-Sablon. Son out “Den Dromer”) x “Monique”
Mother: “Viento” NL19-1244638
3rd prize Final Race OLR SAMDPR 2020
- Winning 100,000 USD prize money
Direct daughter “Marc” x “Chinara”
“Marc” B17-3000213 – original Pollin
Born out “Joe” (1st, 7th, 18th, 42nd and 81st Nat. winner) x “Sister New Belgian Pride”(full sister to 1st Nat. ace and 1st Nat. Libourne winner “New Belgian Pride”)
“Chinara” NL17-1643976
Half-sister “Fahai” (1st NPO Sens) and “Kjeld’s Choice”
Is a half-sister to “Kyara”:
Olympiad bird ’15 – ½ Fond Budapest
15th Nat. ace NPO One-Day-Fond
Direct daughter “Royal Dream” x “Razinda”