5th Ace OLR Victoria Falls Zimbabwe ‘18
Is a half-sister, same mother, to:
1st NPO Quievrain 6,223b.
Is a half-sister, same father, to:
19th Brienne 806b.
36th Lorris 3,455b.
64th Vierzon 5,962b.
and so on
9th NPO Nanteuil 3,924b.
Father: “Hebberecht 578” B13-4270578
- original Chris Hebberecht
Is father to above noted toppers
Direct son “Champion” (1st Prov. and 8th Nat. Souillac - champion breeder) x “Lici” (1st Ace “Vlaamse Fondvereniging”)
Mother: “Altima” NL08-2048716
Is a full sister to “Mr. Allening”, winner of:
1st NPO Blois 6,279b.
Is a half-sister to “Varella” (1st Nat. ace one-day-fond “Fondspiegel” ’07 )
“Miss Mukdahan” (1st Laon 1,479b.)
Direct daughter “Jason” (son “Ons Louis”) x “Choni” (half-sister, same mother, “Kleine Dirk”)