Is a full brother to:
1st Prov. Reims 6,251b
11th Prov. Sens 2,768b. 
26th Prov. Chalons 7,623b. 
39th Prov. Melun 3,710b.
2nd Prov. Reims 6,251b. 
36th Prov. Melun 3,710b. 
36th prov. Sens 2,768b.
Is a half-brother to 
1st NPO Sezanne 8,463b.


Father: “Son 081” NL17-1545151
1st Charleville 22,915b. 
3rd Nat. Argenton 9,512b.  
4th Charleville 1,241b. 
4th Marche 612b. 
25th NPO Chateauroux 1,239b. 
52nd NPO Lorris 15,148b.
And so on
Direct son of “Kleine Gerard” (winner of  2nd NPO 8,278b. – 4th NPO 1,310b. – 5th NPO 5,537b. - 11th NPO 1,326b. - 13th Prov. 10,912b. – 17th NPO 5,166b.) x “Laat 431” (5th NPO Sezanne 4,778b.)


Mother: “Daughter National” NL20-1731617
Direct daughter “National Harry” x “Magic Zina”
“National Harry” NL17-1545145
Worldchampion F.C.I. Fond ’19  
1st Nat. Chateauroux 7,503b. 
2nd Nat. Argenton 9,512b. 
2nd NPO Montluçon 4,201b.  
“Magic Zina” NL13-1654938
Double granddaughter “Annelies”


  • Breeder:
    HENDRIKS JO & FLORIAN 乔 & 佛洛利安·亨德里克斯
  • Seller:
    HENDRIKS JO & FLORIAN 乔 & 佛洛利安·亨德里克斯



More info

Lot 12 ”Son 151”


Winning bid
€ 1,300.00