Born out two original Willem de Bruijn birds
Father: “Son Viscount” NL20-1775674
Born out “Viscount” x “Phoebe”
“Viscount” NL14-1060260
Is father to 4th and 5th National ace winner
Is a grandson of “Zidane”
“Phoebe” NL16-1525705 won:
2nd Nat. ace youngbirds WHZB ‘16
Mother: “Daughter Gouden Duif” NL23-9371480
Born out “Gouden Duif” x “Rachel Blackmore”
“Gouden Duif” NL22-8459089
Champion bird born out “Murphy’s Law” x “Phoebe”
“Murphy’s Law” NL17-1279282 won:
1st Nat. ace yearbirds “De Allerbeste” ‘18
1st Nat. ace short/middle distance Pipa Ranking ‘18
And so on
“Phoebe” won:
2nd Nat. ace youngbirds WHZB ‘16
“Rachel Blackmore” NL20-1495347
Won: 4th Nat. ace youngbirds Fondspiegel
Is mother to: “921-22” (6th/19,899b.) and to “666/23”
(3rd Nat. ace yearbirds Pipa 2024 – 15th Nat. ace short/
middle distance Pipa 2023 – 40th Nat. ace “De Allerbeste”
Is a half-sister “Maria” (9th Nat. ace Yearbirds Pipa)
Granddaughter “Pitbull” (K. Laenen) and “Zidane” x
“Olympic Stephanie” (Gobel)