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Eddy & Maarten Leutenez bring with 'Golden Tulle' a 2nd National winner to their breeding loft.

19 Feb 2020

About 10 days ago the Herbots website closed the sale of Ronny Menten. With an average sales price of 5,778€ for 20 pigeons, this internet sale could be catalogued as a super sale. 

The topper in the auction was auction nr. 1 and then we talk about the national winner Tulle 2017 namely "Golden Tulle". "Golden Tulle" not only won against 9,586 yearbirds but was also the fastest of 17,035 Tulle racers. In the meantime he already has his first references on the breeding loft because "Golden Tulle" is already grandfather of the 17th national ace KBDB young pigeons.

During the sale the international interest in this topper was very high and after a long bidding battle Eddy and Maarten Leutenez made the highest bid (50,000€) and became the new owners of this unique cock ! 

Tuesday the 18th of February Eddy and Maarten went to Ronny Menten to pick up their new purchase. For Eddy and Maarten it was a great feeling to put this cock in their basket while it was an emotional moment  for Ronny to hand over "Golden Tulle". "But" Ronny says "I'm super happy that "Golden Tulle" will stay in Belgium and that he will get a breeding box at such well-known champions as Eddy and Maarten. I wish them every success. “

Eddy and Maarten are now going to breed from "Golden Tulle" in a very targeted way and will mainly cross him with direct daughters from their well-known toppers such as "Oscar" and "Alaphilippe". It wouldn't surprise us if within a few years we will be able to admire a new champion out of these exclusive pairings.

The Herbots team wishes Eddy and Maarten a lot of success.