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Rino Verheye from Aalbeke has had a super season in 2022

16 Dec 2022

Rino Verheye and Miranda from Aalbeke in West Flanders have had a super season, their superstar "Luigi" has been a whopper in the long distance races in recent years, but had his best season in 2022. He won a total of 4 x TOP 10 National in the long distance, which is extremely unique at this high level in the pigeon sport, and his performance from Libourne kept him in the running for national ace pigeon in the long distance for a very long time. After all the calculations he became 2nd National Ace Pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2022 and Rino still gets goosebumps when he talks about this achievement. Because it is not only “Luigi”, but other clappers also did fantastic. He also won 8th National Ace Pigeon longer middle distance KBDB with the yearlings, won 1st Provincial Fontenay 2,232 youngsters and from Libourne he won 7th and 8th National in extremely difficult circumstances. At Argenton National with the yearlings he clocked 3 pigeons in the first 70 National and took 14/14. Rest assured we haven't seen the last of this colony.

Championships 2022

1st Prov Ace Pigeon long distance old birds KBDB
2nd Nat. Ace Pigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2022
3 World Best pigeon Long Distance 2022
5 Prov Ace Pigeon longer middle distance yearlings KBDB
8 Prov Ace Pigeon All Round old and yearlings KBDB
8 Nat. Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance yearlings KBDB 2022

System widowers

It is chosen here to only race with widowers, rather one system good than 2 half. That is why more and more people are opting to try and shine in national races and the long distance is gradually getting even more preference than the longer middle distance. The widowers breed together with the breeders at the beginning of December and raise a round of youngsters. The hen leaves very quickly so that she certainly does not lay a second time and the youngsters then stay with the cocks until 21-22 days. Rino believes that if he weans youngsters they learn everything much faster than if they stay with the parents for 26-28 days.

In the autumn when the season is over and the pigeons are largely through the moult, they regularly go outside until they are coupled. After breeding, he immediately starts training again so that there can be no question of winter fat.

The widowers were darkened from March to the beginning of May from 5 p.m. and once the middle distance starts, he stops because then the training rhythm is increased from 1x to 2x a day. The pigeons train twice a day, even on the day of basketing they train up to half an hour before basketing. They get good food and drink in that half hour and then go straight into the basket. Only when it rains on the day of basketing do they not go outside because otherwise they do not come in but are quietly washing themselves on the roof.

The pigeons only get to see the dish when basketing for a few minutes, he starts in the first loft and goes through everything loft by loft and then goes back to the 1st loft to take the cocks off. The dishes are not visible in the lofts during the whole week. After the race they always come together with their hen, in the beginning this is very short (15 to 30 minutes), afterwards it gets longer and longer but always the same day in the evening the hens are gone. This also counts for when the long distance pigeons come home late. Recuperation is equally important to Rino, the pigeons come to rest when the hen is gone and the recovery can begin for the next flight.

Top birds from seizoen 2022

BE 18-3070893 “Luigi” Cock

2nd Nat. Ace Pigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2022
3 World Best pigeon Long Distance 2022
11th Nat. Ace Pigeon long distance old birds KBDB 2021
6 Prov Ace Pigeon long distance yearlings KBDB 2020

    7 Nat Libourne ’22     3.317p           
    8 Nat Tulle ’22            9.763p           
    9 Nat Brive ’22           6.117p           
    9 Nat Perigeux ’21     3.783p           
    9      Arras ’20                907p            
  49 Nat Libourne ’19    4.354p           
  65 Nat Limoges ’21  15.547p           
131 Nat Limoges ’21    6.986p           
179 Nat Bourges ’20  34.311p           
198 Nat Brive ’20          3.755p           
272 Nat Limoges ’20  10.319p           
336 Nat Limoges ’19  10.699p           
516 Nat Limoges ’22  17.347p           

Sire BE 11-3045124 “Erico”

Gr.F. BE 07-3148533 Angelo
            2 Prov Ace Sprint KBDB 2008 – 5 x 1st
            (Grand)father 1 Nat(z) Argenton 2.650p – 1 Prov Tours 2.389p
            100% Luc Senaeve
Gr.M. BE 07-3148515 Anouk 
            Nestsister “Mauricio” 1 Nat Bourges ( fastest from 70.889p )
            100% Philip Grymonprez

Dam BE 14-4101407 Zwart Eefje – A & T Vercruysse

Gr.F. BE 04-4302640 Chequered Argenton – Yves De Vos
            Won 5 Prov Argenton ( Strain Florizoone x Yves De Vos )
Gr.M. BE 05-4279677 La Mama – Nicky De Vos
            ( Strain Roger Florizoone x Koopman )

BE 20-3062113 “Nesta” Cock
1 Prov Ace All Round yearlings KBDB 2021
12 Prov Ace heavy middle distance yearlings KBDB 2021

1 Prov Issoudun            2.334p
20 NAT                         14.758p
  2        Arras                      454p
  3        Clermont               795p
  5 Prov Chateauroux   4.366p
57 NAT                         22.196p
  7        Clermont            1.590p
  7        Clermont               487p
11        Arras                     907p
14        Clermont               891p
38        Fontenay           1.646p
52        Clermont           1.644p
149      Fontenay           8.334p

Sire BE 19-3035979 Mattheo
11 Prov Ace All Round KBDB 2020
12 Prov Ace heavy middle distance KBDB 2020
Won 6 Prov Gueret 2.214p – 93 Prov Pontoise 10.257p

Gr.F. BE 09-4338674 Benny
            Grandfather  “Hercules” 1 Nat Ace As der Azen LCB 2014
            Son from “Chihaut 98” Benny Steveninck x “Rik Cools Hen”
Gr.M. BE 15-3008479 Mieke – Inbred Marieke Rik Cools

Dam BE 18-3070885 Lieveling
Won herself 3 Fontenay 285p – 6 Compiegne 185p – 8 Clermont 316p

Gr.F. BE 16-3005743 Joost
            2 Prov Ace Sprint KBDB 20019 – 6 x 1st
            Grandfather 1 Prov Ace All Round KBDB 2021
            Son from “Eros” x “Stefanie”
Gr.M BE 17-3029862 Kimberly
            Grandmother 1 Prov Ace All Round KBDB 2021
            Daughter from “Hercules” 1 Nat Ace As der Azen LCB 2014
            1 Prov Chateauroux 1.267p x “Helena” 

BE 21-3061120 Duiver
8 Nat Ace Heavy Middle Distance KBDB 2022

  1          Chateaudun           491p
15 Prov                               3.635p
  6 Prov Chateauroux       1.007p
  6          Clermont                 672p
  8          Pontoise                  811p
88 Prov                            10.606p
  9          Grevillers                472p
  9          Arras                       276p
12 Prov Bourges              3.696p
22          Fontenay                528p
27 NAT Argenton           18.763p
34 Prov Gueret                  2.226p
38 Prov Chateaudun        2.333p
46          Clermont             1.089p
48          Clermont             1.186p
51          Clermont             1.137p
54 Prov Montoire              3.334p

Sire BE 18-3070898 Luther 
Won himself 3th Prov Argenton 4.084p ( 11th National 22.826p )

Gr.F. BE 17-3029865 Gouda 
                Son from “Ensor” x “Francesca” Superbreeding hen and mother from 1 Prov Tours 2.389p
Gr.M. NL 12-1626916 Olympic Ireen – Ton Van Den Hoogen
                Olympiad bird Budapest 2014
                Won 2 Pommeroeul 1.808p – 7 Asse 5.659p – 17 Sens 11.608p – 45 Meaux 17.204p
                Daughter from “Thomas” x “Lena” 

Dam BE 18-3070908 Lucia 

Gr.F. BE 16-3005665 Jommeke 
                1 Prov Ace All Round old + yls KBDB 2017
                1 Prov Ace All Round young birds KBDB 2016
                1 Prov Chateauroux 3.084p – 3 Prov Tours 1.637p – 8 Prov Pontoise 17.902p
                8 Prov Tours 3.414p – 13 Prov Pontoise 10.712p – 15 Prov Clermont 14.686p
                He’s father from 1 Prov Brionne 4.440p and grandfather 2 Prov Ace All Round KBDB 2021
Gr.M. BE 16-3005631 Julie
                6 Prov Ace All Round KBDB 2016
                Full sister “Hercules” 1 Nat Ace As der Azen LCB 2014
                Daughter from “Benny Hill” x “Emillia” Base Couple

System young pigeons

The youngsters were darkened until June 21, normally he does this a week longer, but not this season. This time period was a one-off because next year it will be a week longer. The pigeons get light again in the evening and wake up with the morning sun. After the darkening has stopped, a 3-week waiting period is required before additional lighting starts and this is then continued until the end of the season. The daily training is always once a day and at noon they are all fed.
What is especially important here is the following, the sexes of the young pigeons are immediately separated at weaning. 

Rino has already noticed that otherwise the young cocks will not get a permanent place in the lofts where they will sit when they are separated later. This is how the pigeon sits here again and stays away. The 1ST and 2nd round are always separate from each other and do not train together.

They do not come together during basketing and many couples are not formed by this system. They always stay together until the day after when they come home.

The 1st round flew 14 races this year and the young cocks did not participate in a national race, but they did race several provincial races with 2 nights in the basket, mainly with the aim of gaining experience for their career as yearlings.


The widowers are fed separately in their box twice a day, which makes them more stable and you can see which pigeons are eating well and which are not. They always get this after training. The pigeons receive Sport and Purification from Natural and Beyers Vandenabeele. In addition, they receive fresh grit every day and grit mix on Mondays and Wednesdays. The pigeons for the long distance are given a full bowl of Sport 2 days before basketing and on their return home and the day after as well. The young pigeons are fed on the floor all year round.

As by-products it is usually something from the Röhnfried range that is given, upon arrival these are electrolytes and from the middle distance this is Avipharm and Mumm together. Rotosal is added to this in warm weather. During the week I use Naturaline a lot and on Wednesdays they get Gerwit – W.

It is seldom chosen to add anything through the food because they are not used to that, that's why everything here goes through the drinking water and they keep eating well.

All racing pigeons receive a weekly yellow drop on Sunday or Monday at the latest.
For medical guidance, Rino and Miranda always go to Pascal Lannoo every 14 days during the season.

Results 2022

Arras 472 old + yls : 2,9,10,12,13,16,31,32,33,34,37,42,… 39/48
Clermont 672 old + yls: 5,6,8,10,14,15,22,27,28,44,46,51,56,57,58,59,66,… 37/48
Orléans Prov 14.198 old + yls : 10,81,129,133,179,264,296,372,436,518,637,652,717,924,… 32/46
Orléans Prov 6.206 yls : 5,48,103,148,158,194,220,250,296,527,… 16/23
Chateaudun Prov 8.102 old + yls: 17,113,114,149,309,413,526,623,707,708,… 28/36
Chateaudun 2.650 yls : 4,25,186,213,216,217,… 12/15
Bourges Prov 3.696 yls : 12,26,60,62,95,228,283,… 16/23
Argenton NAT 18.763 yls : 26,46,65,386,613,652,779,1004,1088,1741,… 14/14
Tulle NAT 9.763 old birds : 8,177,207,356,545,570,787,… 10/14
Montelimar NAT 3.387 old birds : 190,194 2/2
Brive NAT 6.117 old birds : 9,80,177,416,… 5/12
Brive NAT 5.885 yls  : 173,200,217 3/6
Libourne NAT 3.317 old birds : 7,8,… 4/6

Arras 667 young birds : 9,10,12,29,30,39,50,… 56/87
Clermont 587 young birds : 2,4,6,14,18,19,20,21,25,26,33,36,37,38,46,47,48,49,53,54,… 56/82
Clermont 769 young birds : 3,5,6,27,37,42,44,47,57,58,59,68,69,70,… 56/82
Clermont 1.139 young birds : 14,15,16,21,22,28,35,66,67,71,73,75,80,81,82,89,92,93,97,106,110,… 46/80
Clermont 1.235 young birds : 16,20,24,49,51,56,60,66,73,93,99,109,122,… 41/69
Clermont 1.209 young birds : 1,6,10,11,24,25,30,34,35,47,54,56,63,67,77,78,81,102,106,107,110,111,112,… 81/108
Clermont 462 young birds : 1,6,11,16,23,25,26,32,37,… 27/37
Montoire Prov 3.730 young birds : 12,34,52,312,… 8/20
Fontenay 568 young birds : 1,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,23,24,31,33,34,38,41,52,… 26/36
Fontenay Prov 2.232 young birds : 1,11,28,34,40,41,43,46,50,79,109,159,196,204,205,227,… 26/31

Miranda and Rino, congratulations again on the top results from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim