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Sabrina Brugmans from Halen wins 1st Provincial Bourges 1,228 yearlings (fastest of 3,471b)

28 May 2024

On the first national flight from Bourges, the super colony of Sabrina Brugmans from Halen and her husband Stephan Machiels scored immediately. They are known for super results and since May their performance has only increased. Their eclipse ended at the beginning of May and so it went towards the first national flight. For many of us, including Sabrina, the preparation did not go so smoothly. The pigeons had to deal with bad weather the week before Bourges, the racing team for Bourges was in Soissons and they were released on Monday morning in Mettet. The pigeons arrived home in excellent condition, so Bourges was still an option. A select team was prepared for Bourges while the other pigeons were still flying Gien and Saint Soupplets with a view to the next national races.

The winner is “Elly”, a yearling hen that was the fastest of all 1,228 yearlings and also fastest in the province against 3,471 pigeons. She also did fantastic nationally and won 12th National against 18,785 pigeons. Yet another success story thanks to the input of German friend Dieter Wöhr. 

Best results 2024  

The results for Bourges were twice top in the middle distance with several early pigeons and a series of pigeons that also won prizes per 100. In general there was also a high prize percentage, which meant that the condition was good. 

Bourges Prov 2,243 old birds: 16,26,45,52,… 6/8
Bourges Prov 1,228 yearlings: 1,5,53,72,75,93,… 8/10

Sens Prov 9,487 old and yearlings: 4,16,17,18,25,26,32,36,40,49,69,72,73,74,127,162,176,188,214,… 41/48
Sens Prov 5,749 old: 11,12,16,20 ,41,42,43,118,139,147,154,228,… 16/18
Sens Prov 3,718 yearlings: 3,6,10,15,18,22,31,50,62,69,86,97,123,130,192,209,245,… 25/30

Sens Prov 4,212 old and yearlings: 20,23,28,31,35,65,105,182,213,… 9/10
Sens Prov 1,490 yearlings: 10,11,24,41 4/4
Sens Prov 2,722 old: 11,19,23,111,131,… 5/ 6


The system is the same as all other years, the racing hens do not breed and are only coupled in groups to their permanent cock after the first flight at the beginning of April. This happens 3 weeks in a row, the 1st week one group, the 2nd week another group and the 3rd week the last group. These can always stay together for 4 days and then everything will be on track by the end of April. 

For them it is only important from the middle distance and national races, which is why they were darkened in the months of March and April. 

Stephan started the daily training earlier in February, but this year they flew in 2 groups for the first time and every other day to help reduce the number of wing injuries. Another athlete also builds up slowly instead of going all out and I tried to simulate this a bit. 

They then train in the afternoon from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM and are darkened at 6:00 PM until 8:00 AM. The hens are spread over 2 resting lofts, but after a while most of them have a permanent place. They are fed together and get to choose where they eat. 

During the season itself, the hens train vigorously and twice a day for 1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes is a necessity. They keep this up on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Their last training is on Thursday morning and afterwards they meet with the cocks. In the early afternoon they get a bath and the last feeding follows around 4 p.m. 

Winner Bourges 

This winner has a special way of training in the morning, while the other group easily completes the hour, showing particular interest in the young cocks in the run. So she barely trains and 10-15 minutes is enough. In the evening it is no problem and she trains smoothly.

DV 00828-23-637 “Elly” Blue Hen
Breeder Dieter Wöhr

    1 Prov Bourges               1.227p (fastest of 3.471p)
  12 NAT                            18.785p
    1 Laon                                 552p
    4 S.Prov.Laon                  2.232p
    1 Laon                                 193p
    4 Prov Orléans                3.540p
    4 Prov Chateauroux       1.135p
163 Nat Bourges              19.369p
245 Prov Sens                     3.718p

Stephan and Sabrina congratulations on this victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim