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Steveninck Benny – Hamme 2nd General champion KBDB 2022

15 Nov 2022

Hamme: It was "bingo" again at the Steveninck home. Benny and Carine can again look back on a sublime top season 2022. Perhaps one of the best ever in their already rich pigeon fancier career. Results that deserve everyone's attention and from which we can only conclude that the top class of Steveninck pigeons has lost none of its plumes. Top results that also result in brilliant rankings in the national KBDB championships and not only in 2022, but also in 2021 the Steveninck name was prominent in the KBDB championships:
KBDB championships 2022:
2nd Overall champion KBDB '22
3rd National Champion KBDB great middle distance old + yearling (5 races - 1st and 2nd nominated)
9th National ace KBDB great middle distance yearbirds 
15th National ace KBDB great middle distance yearbirds 
17th National Champion KBDB Long Distance Old (1st and 2nd nominated)
18th National ace KBDB All-round old 

1st Prov. ace Allround KBDB old with “Ting 17” B20-4129917
1st Prov. ace Allround KBDB yearbirds with "“Ting 917” B21-4074917
2nd  Prov. ace KBDB great middle distance yearbirds  
5th prov. ace KBDB great middle distance old birds    
9th Prov. ace KBDB Fond old
9th Prov. ace Fond yearbirds

1st Prov. champion KBDB great middle distance yearing
2nd prov. champion KBDB Fond old birds
3rd Prov. champion KBDB great middle distance old birds

KBDB championships 2021:
2nd National Champion KBDB Fond old birds
13th National ace pigeon KBDB great middle distance yearling 
15th National ace pigeon KBDB great middle distance yearling 
20th National champion Fond  youngbirds

This says more than enough! Pure class!

A bit of history. 

The Steveninck colony started in 1998... pigeon sport was not strange to Benny, because his father Raymond was also a fervent pigeon fancier. When Benny married his lovely wife Carine, he already played some years in tandem with his father. Carine thought that he was too much occupied with the lofts in his parents' house and suggested to start with the pigeons in their own little garden. No sooner said than done and miraculously Carine also got bitten by the pigeon bug and became a fervent and enthusiastic fancier. Benny, who worked for years as a train driver at our National Railways, worked very irregular hours and often at night. Without Carine's help, the colony could never have reached where it is today. Since a few years, Benny is retired and he can fully concentrate on his favourite pastime: the pigeon sport!

The "Chipo" phenomenon!

Benny decided, in contrast with many other fanciers who first try to do it on speed, to go almost immediately to the middle distance. He knocked on the door of the West-Flemish pigeon fairy Willy Van Houtte from Wevelgem and put about 10 youngsters in the basket. Benny and Carine succeeded fairly quickly with the Van Houtte-pigeons and in the course of the years they bought dozens of pigeons from Willy. These Van Houtte pigeons were reinforced by different breeds.

They won a lot of prizes but everything really accelerated in 2003 when the topper "Chipo" was born. This fantastic cock won as a youngster 1st Dourdan 571 b.,1st Dourdan 375 b., 2nd Dourdan 1,316 b., 9th Dourdan 1,268 b., 9th Dourdan 339 b., 10th Dourdan 964 b. etc. and became 1st Provincial Ace pigeon Oost-Vlaanderen. This topper descends on fathers side from a Sylvain Verstraete pigeon x a daughter from 1st Nat. La Souterraine (Eddy Leutenez)... On the mother's side out of a pigeon of Jozef Vandamme- Dendermonde. Many calypsonians made a bid to have this golden bird in their basket. Benny however refused every bid and one season later, the "Chipo" was put in the basket again. A golden move it turned out later because also as a yearling he showed his class again! He won a/o 1st Dourdan 614b., 1st Dourdan 213b., 1st Dourdan 101b., 41st Bourges 2306b., 17th Dourdan 848b., 14th Dourdan 425b., 24th Dourdan 555b., etc. Every normal fancier would send this topper after two successful years immediately to the breeding loft, but that is beyond Benny. We write the year 2005 and the "Chipo" made himself heard again: 3rd Dourdan 217b., 7th Toury 427b., 5th Dourdan 194b., 9th Noyon 199b. In the meantime this topper had already many descendants at Ekelbeke and it appeared that his sons also started to fly prices of honour. More than once they were home before their father and that's why Benny decided to give "Chipo" definitely a place on the breeding loft. Coupled with B03-4328989 (a pure Michel Hautekiet-dove) they became the parents of a series of top pigeons who dominated the national sport the last few years! 

Two superior sisters

"Ting 17" B20-4129917

One hen we would like to highlight a little extra and that is "Ting 17". "Ting 17" (B20-4129917) already shone in 2021 with 13th National ace KBDB yearling and 5th provincial ace KBDB yearling great middle distance. 

But this year, season 2022, she had no limits

Results 2022:

1st Prov. ace Allround KBDB old birds
17th National ace KBDB great middle distance 2022
1e Prov. Vierzon 7,433b.
1e Prov. Gueret 1,970b.
1e National (z) Gueret 1,044b.
9e National Gueret 8,375b.

1e Nat (z) La Souterraine 723b.
4e Prov. La Souterraine 2,077b.
8e National La Souterraine 6,007b.

2e Nat (z) Chateauroux 546b.
26e National Chateauroux 4,003b.

3e Orleans 737b.
10e Argenton 284b.
11e Ecouen 722b.

Results 2021:
2e prov. Argenton 5,443b.
41e National Argenton 21,282b.
15e Prov. La Souterraine 3,826b.
120e National La Souterraine 14,037b.
25e Nat (z) Issoudun 2,153b.
220e National Issoudun 14,758b.
29e Nat (z) Bourges 3,887b.



 “Ting 917” B21-4074917

A full sister to "Ting 17" is "Ting 917". Pay close attention because this hen has the same last 3 ring numbers as "Ting 17" but "Ting 917" is a yearling hen who also knew no show with her strengths. She shone in 2022 with the following top results

1e Prov. asduif Allround KBDB jaarse 
15th National ace KBDB great middle distance 2022
1e Nat (z) Bourges 3,869b.
7e Provincial Bourges 6,113b.
44e National Bourges 24,221b.

1e Nat (z) Chateauroux 723b.
10e National Chateauroux 5,720b.

11e National Bourges 10,366b.

1e Sermaises 749b.
2e Orleans 224b.
5e Ecouen 722b.
6e Chateauroux 257b.
7e Chateauroux 314b.
9e Argenton 223b.
19e Noyon 1,479b.


"Crash 99" x "Inbred Sagan"
And then we talk about the parents of these 2 prodigious hens. Their sire, an inbred product to base cock "Chipo", is "Crash 99" (B15-4167899). He was born from the best son of "Chipo" and then we are talking about "Chihaut 98" paired against a daughter of "Nest brother Crack". Reported in passing, "Crash 99" is also sire of the co-winners 2nd National Championship Long Distance old birds 2021. 


The mother of "Ting 917" and "Ting 17" is "B14-6211143", a daughter of well-known national ace KBDB "Sagan" (Patrick Boeckx), paired against his own sister. 
Just to clarify it all
"Crash" x "Inbred Sagan" became the parents of 
8th nat. Argenton 4,907d.
9th nat. Guéret 8,375d.
10th nat. Vierzon 11,574d.
10th nat. Chateauroux 5,720d.
11th nat. Bourges 10,366d.
25th nat. Argenton 9,851d.
26th nat. Chateauroux 4,006d.
39th nat. Issoudun 11,465b.
41st nat. Argenton 21,282d.
46th nat. Bourges 24,496d, 
47th nat. Chateauroux 18,499d.
102nd nat. La Souterraine 3,118d.
119th nat. Chateauroux 12,846b.
120th nat. La Souterraine 14,037d, 
204th nat. Bourges 24,055d.

"Crash 99 " is also sired by 
21st nat. Limoges 15,547d.
44th nat. Tulle 4,185d. 
68th nat. Montlucon 9,857b.
104th nat. Brive 4,238b. 
119 nat. Souillac 6,668b.
124th nat. Limoges 6,986b.
125th nat. Limoges 6,986b.
130th nat. Brive 8,807d.
148th nat. Brive 4,238b.
168th nat. Limoges 6,986b.



Now on internet auction Pigeon Bids top selected youngbirds!