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The Olympiad strain from the Broeckx loft (Oud-Turnhout) is paying off ! - Update

16 Jun 2020

Again a top result for the Broeckx family on the 20th of June on Vierzon (501km), their pigeons are totally ready to hit hard on the National race out of Bourges next weekend!

Please note that the group of racers at Broeckx only had their 2nd official race the past weekend and 2 weekends in a row they perform already amazingly, this is a loft to watch out for the coming weeks.

And as icing on the cake, their best 2 racing pigeons at the moment performed as the best of the loft as well.

BE18-6055484 'Friesje' was their first signed pigeons with the old birds on Vierzon (501km) and she came in as 1st as well!

This is what she already won by now:
1   Vierzon                380b  501km 20/06/2020
1   Quièvrain           606b  136km 2019
5   Melun                  740b  339km 14/06/2020
8   Argenton         5,043b 584km 2019
8   Argenton             198b 584km 2018
9   Vierzon                 502b 504km 2019
13 Noyon               1,238b 240km 2018
13 Montluçon          237b 580km 2019
29 Chevrainvillers 742b 383km 2018
30 Chateauroux 24,617b 555km 2019
44 Quièvrain              875b 136km 2019
51 Noyon                 1,923b 240km 2018

BE19-6066079 'Marcella' was their first signed pigeons with the yearling birds on Vierzon (501km) and she came in as 4th year bird.

This is what she already won by now:
15 National Chateauroux 19,529b 555km 2019
3     Quièvrain                               296b 136km 2019
6     Melun                                   2,514b 339km 14/06/2020
22   Quièvrain                               926b 136km 2019
37    Vierzon                               2,195b 504km 2019
38    Melun                                  1,291b 339km 2019
52    Noyon                                 1,828b 240km 2019
156 Vierzon                                2,695b 501km 20/06/2020
171  Blois                                     2,752b 493km 2019

And last but not least we want to give you the results of another top pigeon on the loft namely BE19-6066046, a super racing cock that Jan keeps only for the short distance race out of Quièvrain (136km). This is a son to a full sister 'Olympic 306'ke' and his results show that at the Broeckx loft they have pigeons that can race all distances.

He also only competed in 2 races this year and already won on Quièvrain (136km) incl. 2019 : 
1 / 1,351b 
2 / 471b ==> 2020
5 / 1,723b
6/ 764b ==> 2020
8 / 1,799b
12 / 1,804b
16 / 2,106b
33 / 460b
35 / 805b
83 / 1,181b
156 / 1,913b

Result Vierzon 20/06/2020

380 old : 1 - 11 - 17 - 29- 30 - 35 - 37 - 64 - 65 - ... (12/26)
576 yl    : 20 - 29 - 31 - 46 - 49 - 61 - 61 - 66 - 91 - 92 - ...(23/56)

2,691 old : 11 - 58 - 83 - 153 - ... (16/26)

Jan & Marleen Broeckx, racing under the name Niels Broeckx, dream came true in 2017 when their ‘306’ke’ became 1st Olympiad Pigeon Cat. C Brussels and her name was being changed into ‘Olympic 306’ke’. She raced really marvellous and won:

1st Olympiad Ace Bird Cat. C Brussels 2017
9 National Ace Bird KBDB GMD YL 2015
Won a.o. 3    National Montluçon             16,982b              580km
                  14 National Châteauroux          25,710b              556km
                  14 National Guéret                     16,262b              618km
                  15 National Châteauroux            6,850b              556km

Jan believed really strong in the breeding qualities of the parents and made sure he had some full brothers and sister on his own breeding loft, also some other fanciers took their chance and placed one on their loft and this with great results! Like for example André Devroy who has one full sister ‘Olympic 306’ke’ on his loft and bred immediately a few amazing racers, also Bart&Nance Van Oeckel have a full sister ‘Olympic 306’ke’ on their breeding loft and gives them results. 

Underneath an overview of the results of children from direct brothers & sisters ‘Olympic 306’ke’ on their own and other lofts. I think reason enough to get one on your own loft to breed with….

Own loft (Broeckx loft) 

‘Athletic Runner’ BE15-6287387 
Full sister ‘Olympic 306’ke’
Mother to ao:
1     /1,828b
23   /1,376b
25   / 1,322b
33   /   460b
65   /   851b
67   / 3,407b
92   / 1,490b
196 / 2,752b

‘Brilliant Runner’ BE15-6300239
Full sister ‘Olympic 306’ke’
Mother to ao:
1 / 1,351b
5 / 1,723b
8 / 1,799b
12 / 1,804b
16 / 2,106b
33 / 460b
35 / 805b
83 / 1,181b
156 / 1,913b

‘Energetic Runner’ BE17-6056310
Full brother ‘Olympic 306’ke’
Father to ao:
2   / 1,351b
3   /   198b
20 /1,723b
22 /   556b
23 /   398b
25 / 1,804b
27 / 1,913b
27 / 1,484b
34 /    951b
35 / 1,042b
36 / 1,228b
40 / 1,181b
70 / 1,181b
77 / 1,490b

‘Don Runner’BE17-6056254 
Full brother ‘Olympic 306’ke’
Father to ao:
10/ 265b 
72/ 2,195b 

‘Daring Runner’BE17-6056131 
Full sister ‘Olympic 306’ke’
Mother to ao
6   Pont-St.Maxence       1,322b 283km
26 Vierzon                         2,195b 504km
61 Melun                           1,291b 339km

‘Lucia Runner’ BE14-6306700
½ sister ‘Olympic 306’ke’ 
Mother to ao:
11   Melun                         1,013b 339km
24   Souppes-sur-Loing   1,050b 383km
30   Quièvrain                      501b 136km
35   Noyon                        3,309b 240km
75   Quièvrain                   1,442b 136km
80   Quièvrain                      815b 136km
85   Pont-St.-Maxence    1,322b 283km
117 Noyon                        3,097b 240km

Loft Bart & Nance Van Oeckel – Oud-Turnhout

BE16-6272408 ‘Sister Olympic 306’ke’ 
Full sister ‘Olympic 306’ke’
Mother to ao: 
1   Chateauroux               122b – 6 I. Provincial 776b
4   Momignies                  117b 
5   Momignies                  111b 
8   Orleans                         116b – 130 Provincial 2,340b
10 Momignies                  113b
18 Momignies                  277b
18 Momignies                  175b
32 Soissons                    2,166b 
36 Laon                              615b
42 Chateauroux               538b

Loft André Devroye – Mechelen

‘Leentje’ BE14-6031418
Full sister ‘Olympic 306’ke’
Mother to ao

BE16-6113657 : 15th National Ace Bird Middle Distance KBDB 2017
1   Chevrainvillers 1,565b
5   Chevrainvillers 2,567b
9   Chevrainvillers 2,607b
9   Chevrainvillers 1,387b
13 Chevrainvillers 1,033b
15 Chevrainvillers 1,489b
16 Chevrainvillers 1,657b
30 Chevrainvillers 2,869b
36 Chevrainvillers    862b
47 Chevrainvillers 2,194b

BE15-6184321 : 16 National Ace Bird Middle Distance KBDB 2017
1      Chevrainvillers      1,707b
6      Chevrainvillers         758b
8      Melun                    1,093b
11    Chevrainvillers         351b
13    Gien                           449b
24    Chevrainvillers         573b
32    Noyon                       519b
39    Melun                        975b
170 Chevrainvillers      2,543b

And in the season of 2019 these 2 still race superb: 

BE15-6184321: 11 prizes out of  11 races, so never missed in 2019! 
BE16-6113657 : 10 prizes out of 11 races
What kind of top pigeons are these !!

In the meantime André Devroey also bred out of the 15th National Ace Bird (coupled against a daughter ‘Athletic Runner’ so inbred to the parents ‘Olympic 306’ke) and the first two youngsters ever being raced is one of them right a way very promising and raced as youngster immediately 5 out 6 races prize: 


15   Chevrainvillers          320b
26   Noyon                        287b
41   Chevrainvillers          509b
208 Melun                        650b
211 Pont-St-Maxence 1,028b

And this one will be part of the racing team year birds 2020 at André ! 

The parents of these top breeders namely father BE10-6031825 ‘Vandewouwer Runner’ (direct Gaston Van de Wouwer) and mother BE11-6125831 ‘Runner’ (direct Paul Voeten) are ending their breeding career. Out of the father Jan only bred one good youngster until now in 2020 and since then all bad eggs and out of the mother he also bred one good youngster and since then she doesn’t lay anymore…just to say that in 2020 no full sisters or brothers are born anymore only two ½ brothers/sisters. Jan and Marleen agreed to put one last direct full brother in the online auction at Herbots, so this is the last opportunity you will get to buy one online and this exclusively on Herbots. 
Also in further generations their genes give their good DNA as we got the reference of BE19-6170509 who won:
5 Melun 1,658b
5 Melun 1,512b
5 Melun 1,044b
28 Melun 2,083b 
And this one is already a grandchild BE15-6059690 who is a full sister of ‘Olympic 306’ke’, so the first results of this amazing breeding couple in 3rd generations are set!

But not only the Olympiad strain is doing really well concerning references, also the other top pigeons they have/had on their loft are paying off and are given their good racing genes on to the next generations.

Their first top and base breeder was BE09-6053935 ‘Br. Loper Vlieger’, he gave good results coupled to top hen ‘Miss Turbo Jet’ BE10-6172272 (direct Bart&Nance Van Oeckel). They became an amazing breeding couple together and became parents on their own loft to 5 different Top 40 National winners and grandparents of ao: 9 National La Souterraine 9,136b and ‘Br. Loper Vlieger’ is still breeding well so you can find a youngster of him in the online auction. This is buy n°3 – BE19-6066528
In fact, that 9th National La Souterraine against 9,136b is the BE13-6071443 and won 
9            National La Souterraine   9,136b.
1            Noyon                                    540b.
122       National Argenton          9,970b.
33          Z.National Gueret            1,561b.
This pigeon was bought by Francis&Bart Verdeyen in an online auction on Herbots, they placed him on their breeding loft and gave immediately great breeding results. Their best youngster out of ‘King Niels’, this is how the pigeon was being baptized by Bart Verdeyen, is at the moment BE16-2083437 ‘Mister Limoges’, he is the 3rd Best Cahors pigeon in 2018-2019 and his winning results can you find on his pictures underneath. As he raced so well, Bart Verdeyen placed him on the breeding loft and now we are off course very curious whether his genes will continue on as well.

Other great references for ‘Br. Loper Vlieger’ BE09-6053935 are for example underneath direct children : 

  • ‘202-15’ 3x Top 10 against average 3,000b
  • ‘232-14’ 2 x Top 40 National at Geentjes-Haemhout
  • ‘303-14’ Super racer at H. Rikhof


And then we have ‘Elfje’, a super racing hen that won herself 
11th National Ace bird KBDB GMD 2011
10 National Chateauroux 19,691b
13 National Argenton 12,516b
20 National Gueret 15,007b
36 National Bourges 8,005b
47 National Argenton 22,463b

Who is giving her amazing racing genes onto the next generations and has become grandmother to ao:

14 Vierzon          502b 504km
16 Argenton       198b 584km
40 Bourges         405b 507km
61 Argenton    5,043b 584km
75 Noyon         1,238b 240km…

20 Quièvrain 1,078b 136km

1     Quièvrain       480b 136km
4     Quièvrain    1,723b 136km
112 Quièvrain    1,804b 136km
117 Quièvrain    1,376b 136km

11 Chevrainvillers            569b 383km
38 Quièvrain                     501b 136km
41 Chevrainvillers            941b 383km
55 Chevrainvillers        1,623b 383km

42 Quièvrain                     497b 136km
84 Chevrainvillers               950b 383km
90 Noyon                           1,124b 240km

Also a full sister ‘Elfje’ nl. BE13-6321624 is at top pigeon fancier Gaston Van De Wouwer one of his best breeding hens. bij top duivenmelker Gaston Van De Wouwer één van zijn beste kweekduivinnen. 

BE13-6321624 is mother at Van De Wouwer to ao:  

6     Melun                                            973b
10   Melun                                            420b
11   Provincial Le Mans                   1,315b
15   Melun                                              914b
57   Provincial Chateauroux            2.959b
67   National Chateauroux            17,269b. ‘18
412 National Chateauroux            12,855b. ‘18
938 National Argenton                  16,496b. ‘18

And is also already grandmother at Van De Wouwer to ao: 

BE17-6053466 ‘Blauwe Witoog’
3     Provincial Vierzon                   2,288b 2019
10   Provincial Le Mans                    359b 2018
11   Provincial Issoudun                               1.400b 2019
20   National Chateauroux I       27.081b 2018
36   Provincial Chateauroux II     2.394b 2018
50   Provincial Gueret                   1.044b 2018
100 National Bourges I              24.055b 2019
165 Provincial Blois                       2.744b 2018
216 National Chateauroux I      27.081b 2018
219 National z Argenton I            6.640b 2018
257 National Argenton III             3.322b 2018

Buy n° 16 BE20-6153588 is a direct daughter out of this superbreeding hen BE13-6321624  from Gaston Van De Wouwer ! 

And we can continue on like that for a while. Again and again we can only repeat…good come out of good…and this is what Jan&Marleen figured out and are coupling all their good ones together and setting better results year after year. 

And last but not least we want to give you an overview off their Top 100 National results list (no zonal results – no doubles) from 2013 to 2019 just to show how good this loft and their pigeons are performing over the past years:

National results 2013 - 2019
3La Souterraine3,184b2014
9La Souterraine9,136b2014
11La Souterraine9,136b2014
32La Souterraine9,580b2016
33La Souterraine18,588b2014
96La Souterraine18,588b2014

Jan & Marleen, the Herbots team would like to congratulate you with all the achievements set over the past few years and with the amazing breeding loft you have built. We also want to thank you in giving us the opportunity in offering some of the amazing pigeons from your loft in an online auction on Herbots. (Auction starts on the 13th of June and ending on the 23rd of June at 14h00)
