Is a half-sister, same father, to winners of:
1st Nat. Perigueux ’18 
26th Nat. Cahors ’22 
27th and 64th Nat. Cahors ’21 
51st Nat. Agen ZLU yearbirds ’18  
Also to 106th, 124th, 172nd, 174th and 179th Nat. winners


Father: “De Holleman” NL16-1523266
Is father to above noted toppers
Is grandfather to: 
2nd Nat. Agen ZLU ’23 
8th Nat. Bordeaux O ’24 
14th Nat. Pau ’24 
32nd Nat. Perpignan ’23 
74th Nat. Perpignan ’24 
128th Nat. St. Vincent ZLU ‘22
Born out “NL12-1614513” x “NL10-1684037” (won 4th Nat. St. Vincent ’14 – 12th Nat. Albi – and so on)


Mother: “Daughter Kleine Rooie” NL22-8369535
Born out “De Kleine Rooie” x “Lara”
“De Kleine Rooie” NL18-1795176 won:
3rd Nat. ace Barcelona 2021-2023 
4th Nat. Barcelona ‘23
60th Nat. Perpignan ’21 
And so on
“Lara” NL17-1175037 won:
23rd Nat. Cahors ’22 
42nd Nat. Bordeaux ’19 
43rd Nat. Perpignan ’22 
55th Nat. Cahors ’23 
And so on


  • Eleveur:
    Comb. J. Hommes & Znn
  • Marchand:
    Comb. J. Hommes & Znn



Plus d'info

Numéro 7 “Daughter Holleman”
