Daughter of 1st Nat. ace FCI “De Allerbeste” Fond 2019
Is a half-sister, same father, to the breeder of 1st Prov. Venlo against 14,061b. at Gerard Heinhuis
Is a half-sister, same mother, to “069-21”, winner of:
1st S-Prov. Burdinne 4,895b.
Father: “Aristo” NL18-1718479
1st Nat. ace FCI “De Allerbeste” Fond 2019
1st Salbris 2,438b. (8th NPO 5,723b.)
1st Vierzon 479b. (9th Nat. 8,065b.)
2nd Chateauroux 1,011b. (38th Nat. 8,435b.)
1st Pont 270b.
71st NPO Issoudun 4,286b.
Born out “Grandson Blue Wonder” x “Daughter Blue Wonder”
“Blue Wonder” won 6th Nat. ace WHZB/TBOTB 2016
Mother: “Armando-Flojo 195 ” BE19-2125195
Co-breeding Kaier
Born out “Armando” x “Return Flojo”
“Armando” B14-3004610 – original Verschoot – won:
1st and 3rd National ace KBDB winner
Olympiad bird Fond ‘19
1st, 2nd, 2nd, 10th, 30th, 48th and 85th National winner
“Return Flojo” CHN17-11-0227000 winner of:
1st Grand average acebird SA Million Dollar Pigeon race 2018
“Return Flojo” can be considered as one of the best SAMDPR performers ever. In 24 editions S-African Million Dollar race, there never has been an 1st Grand average winner (competition based on all races in time) with such a big lead as “Return Flojo”. With 2 hours and 16 minutes lead (biggest lead ever in 24 editions SAMDPR)