Half-brother 8th Nat. Bourges against 24.221b.
Father: BE20-3120755 “Double Golden Prince 755”
Is father to:
8th Nat. Bourges against 24.221b.
Inbred grandson 1st Nat. Ace L.D. KBDB ‘14 “Golden Prince”
“Golden Prince” is grandfather to:
1st Nat. Ace L.D. KBDB ‘17
1st Nat. Ace G.M.L.D. KBDB ‘18
1st Nat. Libourne against 6.309b.
1st Nat. Souillac against 4.571b.
And so on
Mother: BE19-3129266 “Daughter Golden King 266”
Half-sister to “Limo”, who won:
4th Nat. Ace Allround KBDB ‘17
10th Nat. Ace L.D. KBDB ‘17
Daughter to 1st Nat. Ace L.D. KBDB ‘18“Golden King”
“Golden King” is father to:
2nd Nat. Tulle against 6.842b.
3rd Nat. Bourgest against 25.096b.
6th and 17th Nat. Tulle against 6.842b.
Original Gino Clicque