Full brother “NL 24-132”
4 Prov Pont St.Max 4.718p 280km
Father “NL 17-3725431” The 431
1 Melun 176p - 2 Niergnies 482p
6 Sens 4.971p - 8 Peronne 12.231p
25 Bierges 4.989p - 29 Pont 8.060p
39 Pont 13.240p – 48 Pont 7.287p
75 Sens 8.754p – 76 Pont 10.629p
76 Pont 7.460p
Inbred “Super Mario”
1 Nat Ace Cock WHZB 2015
Strain “Jan” & “Wonderaske” Leo Heremans
Mother “BE 15-6021158” Sister Super Mario
100% Leo Heremans
Super breeding hen and mother
10 Nat Ace M.D.
1 Sermaises 1.198p
3 NPO Argenton 5.183p
Strain “Jan” & “Wonderaske”
“Nieuwe Rossi” Leo Heremans