Is a half-sister, same mother, to
1st National Agen at Freialdenhofen
Won in ’23: 4th Nat. Barcelona – 36th Nat. Perpignan
Father: “Son Sarita” B21-5121406 – original Schreurs-Hauben
Born out “Grandson Fandango” x “Sarita”
“Sarita” B15-2251766 won:
1st Internat. ace Barcelona 2018-2022 Pipa Ranking
Mother: “DV-8654-18-288”
Is mother to above noted toppers
Is a half-sister, same mother, to “Blue Ace”,
12th, 13th, 15th, 31st and 43rd national winner
Born out “Son Super 31” x “Queen of Germany”
“Son Super 31” DV-6348-13-178
Is a son of “Super 31” winner of:
1st Internat. Bergerac 6,919b.
85th Internat. Perigueux 7,330b.
“Queen of Germany” DV-1990-11-112
2nd National ace hens Marathon 2014
4th Nat. Marseille
35th Nat. Perpignan
68th Nat. Marseille
And so on