Annick Goeteyn (Deinze) 18 x 1st prizes (no doubles) in 2022!
24 Jan 2023
You can call them an "old hand" in the business. When you have more than 15 years of experience with a colony of pigeons and you support this year after year with very strong results, you are an expert. From 2006 till 2016, the pigeons were played in the name of Van Renterghem - Goeteyn, since 2017 in the name of Annick.
Where it was in the beginning a family hobby, this has now evolved into an almost complete day's work. What typifies Annick in all this is her sense and striving for perfection and this as well in care, guidance, approach etc... It must be in order or she can't sleep. Annick loves her animals.
The lofts are always cosy and spic and span, the pigeons always look top-notch and the time-schedule is strictly applied and respected. Nothing is left to chance. Not easy to do this day in and day out with a considerable number of pigeons. Here it is clear that both the caretaker and the pigeons do their utmost to achieve the best results. To realise all this, she can count on the support of her partner Christian.
The golden Vandenabeele stamp
The story is well enough known by now. In Deinze, they took a flying start right from the beginning, as it were. How is that possible? Well, when you can start with the best pigeons which were available at that moment in the pigeon world, namely the pigeons of Gaby Vandenabeele from Dentergem, coupled with a great motivation, this is possible. The proof was delivered here. They started almost 100% with the pigeons of Gaby and the train was immediately on the rails. At the moment, the colony exists out of 90% Vandenabeele-pigeons with occasionally a bit of foreign blood.
On some lofts some pigeons were added, but the mainline is still the Vandenabeele-pigeon. For distances from 100 km till 700 km, this is a strain that formed the basis for many lofts. Just look at the top performances on several lofts and you will regularly find the pigeons of Gaby in the pedigree and this ranging from national victories to ace pigeons to top breeders. A strain that is still going strong in the pigeon world with a laundry list of top references.
Annick's pigeon loft consists of about 30 permanent breeding couples and a number of support couples. The racing team of yearlings and old pigeons consists of 37 hens and 35 cocks. They are played on widowhood with a partner who stays at home. With 150 youngsters, which are played on nest, the future is prepared.
Captain Blue and Nancy, a dreamcouple
From the pigeons of Gaby, there are only a few pigeons here in Deinze that have no top prizes in their offspring. However, one combination stands out, namely Captain Blue x Nancy. Captain Blue was a beautiful inbreeding son of the world famous Bliksem. After so many years, Bliksem can be called one of the strongest progenitors in pigeon history.
Captain Blue coupled with Nancy was for Annick's strain the basic strain that produced many very good pigeons.
From this a number of basic couples arose such as :
“Orlando” (son Captain Blue x Nancy) x “Nicofelia”
“Vertigo” (grandson Wittenbuik) x “Lieske” (daughter Captain Blue x Nancy) who built up the Gabor-line.
“Tauber” (grandson Wittenbuik) x “Lieske” (daughter Captain Blue x Nancy) who later created Memphis, Kim,.....
“Tsaby” x “Kim” (parents of e.g. 1st national Guéret 2011) and parents and grandparents of top pigeons on our own loft but even more on other lofts.
What is so special about the Vandenabeele pigeons? To this question Annick answers that they are very strong breeders which can easily be crossed with other bloodlines. Moreover, they are naturally strong pigeons that easily fly at the top. What more could you want as a player?
It may also be said that Annick is very selective on the build of the pigeon. The performance is decisive but to get a permanent place on the breeding loft, they also have to be almost perfect in the hand. This can also be seen in the offspring, all of them beautiful pigeons, with a soft plume, a spacious wing and a strong carcass.
Three toppers
‘New Lieske’ BE 22-4131045
22e World Best Pigeon 2022 middle distance
1e Fontenay 392b. >> 1e IProv.Fontenay 5073b.
2e Montoire 396b. >> 5e IProv. Montoire 3730b.
5e Montoire 497b. >> 27e Iprov. Montoire 3781b.
7e Fontenay 432b.
17e Fontenay 518b. >> 535e IProv. Fontenay 6872b.
20e Orleans 231b. >> 41e verbond 704b. >> 347e IProv. 7205b.
36e Arras 412b.
56e Clermont 584b.
‘Tsaartje’ BE22-4131043
2e Fontenay 392b. >> 2e IProv.Fontenay 5073b.
2e Montoire 396b. >> 5e IProv. Montoire 3730b.
9e Fontenay 585b. >> 158e IProv. Fontenay 9055b.
17e Orleans 231b. >> 34e verbond 704b. >> 278e IProv. 7205b.
21e Clermont 894b.
28e Fontenay 432b.
49e Fontenay 518b.
‘Clément’ BE21-4131064
1e Orleans 987b. >> 11e Prov.Orleans 14198b. (oude x jaarse)
1e Orleans 491b. >> 6e Prov.Orleans 6206b. (Jaarse)
1e Chateaudun 366b. >> 4e IProv.Chateaudun 8102b. (oude x jaarse)
1e Chateaudun 254b. >> 2e IProv.Chateaudun 4827b. (Jaarse)
4e Fontenay 32b.
5e Clermont 373b. >> 150e IProv.Clermont 8374b.
6e Fontenay 343b. >> 106e IProv. 6911b. (oude x jaarse)
6e Fontenay 278b. >> 63e IProv. 4508b. (Jaarse)
9e Clermont 419b.
12e Arras 525b.
17e Clermont 262b.
18e Fontenay 242b. >> 276e Zone 2331b.
18e Clermont 755b.
20e Montoire 492b. >> 140e IProv.Montoire 4518b.
25e Chateaudun 419b. >>162e IProv.Chateaudun3635b.
Top 100 results National , National Zone and Provincial 2022
1e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
2e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
2e Prov.Chateaudun 4827d.
2e Prov.Pontoise 4649d.
3e Prov.Pontoise 7514d.
3e Prov.Chateauroux 3103d.
3e Prov.Issoudun 2847d.
4e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
4e Nat.Z.Issoudun 1575d.
4e Fontenay verbond 1153d.
4e Fontenay verbond 2457d.
4e Prov. Chateaudun 8102d.
5e Nat. Issoudun 12349d.
5e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
5e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
5e Prov. Chateauroux 7547d.
5e Prov.Chateaudun 4827d.
5e Orleans Verbond 704d.
5e Fontenay verbond 1153d.
6e Fontenay verbond 2457d.
6e Prov. Orleans 6206d.
8e Prov. Chateaudun 8102d.
10e Nat.Z.Chateauroux 838d.
11e Prov. Orleans 14198d.
12e Prov. Orleans 6206d.
14e Nat.Z.Chateauroux 838d.
17e Prov. Orleans 6206d.
19e Prov. Orleans 14198d.
20e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
20e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
20e Nat.Z.Issoudun 1575d.
22e Prov. Fontenay 4502d.
22e Prov. Montoire 3781d.
23e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
24e Prov.Issoudun 2847d.
24e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
24e Prov. Fontenay 4502d.
26e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
26e Prov. Orleans 6206d.
27e Prov. Montoire 3781d.
27e Prov.Fontenay 5841d.
27e Prov.Tulle 2010d.
28e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
29e Prov. Orleans 14198d.
29e Prov.Limoges 4011d.
29e Prov.Chateauroux 1390d.
30e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
31e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
32e Prov. Orleans 6206d.
33e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
34e Prov. Montoire 3781d.
35e Pontoise 8302d.
36e Prov.Fontenay 6911d.
38e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
39e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
39e Prov.Fontenay 6911d.
40e Prov.Tulle 2010d.
41e Prov. Orleans 14198d.
41e Prov. Fontenay 4502d.
42e Nat. Issoudun 12349d.
45e Nat.Z.Limoges 5421d.
45e Prov. Montoire 3781d.
47e Prov.Tulle 2010d.
50e Prov.Chateauroux 4726d
51e Prov.Fontenay 5841d.
52e Prov. Orleans 6206d.
52e Prov. Orleans 14198d.
53e Prov.Fontenay 5841d.
53e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
54e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
54e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
55e Prov. Montoire 3781d.
57e Prov. Orleans 6206d.
57e Prov. Orleans 7205d.
59e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
60e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
60e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
62Prov.fontenay 5073d.
62e Prov.Chateauroux 7286d.
63e Prov. Fontenay 4502d.
64e Nat.Z. Tulle 2359d.
67e Prov.fontenay 5073d.
73e Prov.Chateauroux 4726d.
76e Prov. Montoire 3781d.
77e Nat.Limoges 17356d.
84e Nat.Tulle 6842d.
85e Prov. Orleans 14198d.
86e Prov.Chateauroux 4726d
87e Prov. Orleans 14198d.
87e Prov.Montoire 3730d.
89e Nat.Z. Tulle 2359d.
93e Prov.Chateauroux 7286d.
93e Prov. Orleans 14198b.
99e Prov.Chateauroux 4726b.
18 x 1st prize in 2022
1e Clermont 303b
1e Clermont 553b.
1e Pontoise 277b.
1e Orléans 491b.
1e Orléans 987b.
1e Pontoise 225b.
1e Pontoise 283b.
1e Chateaudun 254b.
1e Chateaudun 366b.
1e Chateauroux 466b.
1e Chateauroux 987b
1e Clermont 584b.
1e Fontenay 343b.
1e Fontenay 392b.
1e Prov.Fontenay 5073b
1e Clermont 202b.
1e Montoire 396b.
1e Clermont 122b.
Currently Norbert is offering on internet auction Pigeon Bids January some strong selected pigeons.