
Dirk Cloetens from Rotselaar is further expanding his colony thanks to super breeder “Magic Dries”

17 Jun 2024

In Rotselaar in Brabant we find a white raven when it comes to breeding, “Magic Dries” is a super breeder from the Dirk Cloetens family and in 5 years you can call it a real super breeder. This topper comes from Herbots Kobe & Kato, where you can once again find the line of Black Beauty and mother “Geof” with the line of F16 from Bart & Nance Van Oeckel, which recently secured a 1st National Limoges. With Dirk, these pigeons mainly fly middle distance in the Demer & Dijle combination and they do this more than excellently. We are therefore pleased to introduce this super breeder to you. 

Dirk does not like many pigeons, preferring a strict selection that he learned from his mentor Louis Van Paesschen. In addition, the pigeons of Roger Debusschere, Louis Van Paesschen, Jos Thone and Kobe & Kato Herbots are the main lines that he follows and is fully committed to. You only need a few lines to be successful and try to build on this. 

Championships 2023

1 Prov Champion middle distance youngsters KBDB 
1 Champion middle distance old birds Demer & Dijle 
1 Champion middle distance yearlings Demer & Dijle
1 Champion middle distance youngsters Demer & Dijle
1 Ace pigeon middle distance old birds Demer & Dijle
1 Ace pigeon middle distance yearlings Demer & Dijle
2 Ace pigeon middle distance youngsters Demer & Dijle
19 Nat Champion middle distance youngsters KBDB 2023
25 Nat Champion middle distance old and yearlings KBDB 2023

Super breeder “Magic Dries”

In the Dirk Cloetens household, “Magic Dries” has really grown into the super breeder of this colony in just 2 years. He is the father of several super pigeons and this with different hens.

“Magic Dries” comes directly from Kobe & Kato Herbots and is a son of “Black Beauty” ( Grandson F16 B & N Van Oeckel and “Gouden Koppel” Roger Buvens ) x “Super F16” ( this is a daughter of F16 and granddaughter of Gaston Junior of B & N Van Oeckel). Super F16 is the mother of “Geof”, the current super breeder of whom there are numerous references in national flights. They always say the apple doesn't fall far...

In this short period he is the father of

BE 21-2076112 “Magic Blue” 
1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance Sans Peur Herent 2022 
1st Ace Pigeon Middle Distance Sans Peur Herent 2022 
Won a total of 3 x 1st – 11 x per 100 
Won in the middle distance 1 Sermaises 1,411p – 1 Sermaises 847p – 1 Sermaises 815p - 2 Sermaises 521p - 2 Sermaises 335p - 2 Sermaises 325p - 2 Sermaises 203p - 2 Orleans 156p - 3 Sermaises 820p - 5 Sermaises 426p - 7 Sermaises 924p - 9 Sermaises 841p - 13 Sermaises 1.341p – 18 Sermaises 518p - 40 Prov Orleans 1,605p
Won at speed 3 Momignies 315p – 4 Soisssons 230p - 14 Momignies 1,568p – 26 Soissons 956p

BE 22-2085802 “Black Kato” 
3rd Nat. Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance youngsters (4 KBDB races) and 
4th Nat. Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance youngsters KBDB 2022, 
Won, among others, 3 Prov Argenton 3,065p (27 Nat 22,869p) – 7 Prov Orléans 2,496 p. - 7 Prov Argenton 1,453p – 24 Prov Bourges 3,555p (181 Nat 23,846p)

BE 23-2005650
Won 3 Soissons 412p – 3 Soissons 200p – 5 Sermaises 162p - 7 Soissons 902p – 12 Soissons 661p – 12 Sois sons 475p – 17 Sermaises 408p - 27 Soissons 1,268p 

BE 23-2005638 “Mr.Bourges” 
Won 1 Nat (z) Bourges 3,205p (35 Nat 19,369p) – 2 Sermaises 441p – 2 Sermaises 195p

BE 23-2005611 
Won 3 Momignies 1,698p – 3 Momignies 347p – 5 Soissons 412p –17 Soissons 912p

Grandfather of BE 23-2057066 “Black Kobe” 
Won 1 Momignies 964p – 1 Momignies 316p

The last 2 toppers that we would like to introduce are the 2 best hens so far this season. 

BE 23-2005639 “Black Diva” Hen

1 Sermaises        1.624p 
1 Sermaises           795p
1 Sermaises           518p
1 Soissons              412p 
1 Sermaises           330p 
1 Sermaises           194p
3 Soissons              902p 
4 Orléans                333p 
4 Sermaises           417p 
4 Sermaises           333p
6 Sermaises           989p
15 Sermaises        815p
20 Sermaises     2.741p

Father BE 19-2121389 Magic Dries – Herbots Kobe & Kato
Super breeder 
Son of “Black Beauty” (Grandson F16 B & N Van Oeckel and Grandson Stock Couple Roger Buvens) x 
“Super F16” (Daughter F16 B & N Van Oeckel x Super One is a daughter Gaston Jr. B & N Van Oeckel)

Mother BE 17-2076202 Morgan
Won herself 1 Chevrain 1,312p – 2 Chevrain 366p – 6 Momignies 397p – 24 Nat Bourges 23,195p – 25 Melun 1,534p – 55 Nat Vierzon 20,956p – 78 Nat Bourges 8,978p 
Daughter of “Bonte Louis” Louis Van Paesschen x “Friendship” Roger Debusschere

BE 22-2085823 “White Diva” Hen

  4 Prov Orléans                  2.496p
  6 Sermaises                       1.373p
  7 Sermaises                          748p
11 Momignies                     2.599p
12 NAT Argenton             16.547p
15 NAT Bourges               23.846p
15 Sermaises                      1.541p
21 Sermaises                      1.545p
25 Soissons                         3.425p
55 NAT Bourges               12.094p
55 Soissons                         1.806p

Father BE 19-2121389 Magic Dries – Herbots Kobe & Kato
Super breeder 
Son of “Black Beauty” (Grandson F16 B & N Van Oeckel and Grandson Stock Couple Roger Buvens) x 
“Super F16” (Daughter F16 B & N Van Oeckel x Super One is a daughter Gaston Jr. B & N Van Oeckel)

Mother BE 21-2076164 Daughter Morgane
Daughter of “038/18” Limoges won 24 Nat Chateauroux 17.281p – 29 Nat Souillac 6.668p - 40 Nat Limoges 10.319p – 133 Nat Bourges 23.854p x “202/17” Morgane 

System Racing Team 

The small team of old and yearlings are raced here in total widowhood and sit next to each other like young pigeons. They did winter breeding together and were then paired for another 4 days in the spring to learn. This way she learned about widowhood quite quickly and no time was lost. They were trained to on Wednesday, on Thursday they got some rest and on Friday evening they went to Momignies for the first time. 

They train every day in the spring, but that training does not amount to much here, especially in the season itself, for hens it is over after 2 minutes. That's why Dirk takes them to school once a week in the morning to release them there, so they can fly something and they can go inside their loft. The sliding door is the only motivation here and it is occasionally left ajar so that the hens do not become eager to mate with each other. When basketing, the slide opens for a short time and after the flight they are usually allowed to stay together until the early evening. 

The racing pigeons always receive the mixture of Beyers Premium Thoné Olympic and in the last 3 days this is adjusted with Beyers Galaxy Long Distance TT together with Beyers Energy Galaxy so that 1/3 of these 3 mixtures is given each time. As a final extra, they get hemp seeds, peanuts and sunflower seeds. 

The vaccinations for the racing pigeons are provided by Raf Herbots, who receive 1x Rota paramyxo, 1x Herpes and 1x against smallpox. The other medical guidance is discussed by telephone with Nobert Peeters. As an extra, I use Grit-Mix Beyers and Pigeon HP products (Recup Fast) every day and before the racing season the pigeons receive Zell Oxygen for 1 week together with Optimix from Herbots. When they return home, it is important that the pigeons recover quickly, which is why I use Recup Fast from Pigeon HP together with B.S. from Belgica De Weerd and I think this combination is great.

Dirk, congratulations on these top performances from the entire HERBOTS TEAM. 

Buelens Kim