
Herbots Championship...what a party !

02 Feb 2025

Saturday 1 February the celebration of the 2nd "Herbots Championship" championship took place. The successor to the well-known "LCB Championships" and it may be said, this championship has not yet reached its limits. 

As many as 444 people had registered for the banquet and the enthusiasm with which everyone participated in the preceding reception already gave the first "goose-bump moment".

 After the welcome speech by Jo Herbots, there was the speech by Mr Denis Sapin (chairman sports committee) as the speech by national chairman Mr Bodenghien who especially encouraged everyone to vote during the upcoming elections. He was also allowed to confirm with pride in his voice that there is an agreement between the various neighbouring countries to organise the international races. Mr Bodenghien  also thanked the Herbots family for organising this party. A feast where a great value of cups and other prizes are donated. Here family Herbots shows that they also give something back to the many fanciers. The Herbots family owes a lot to pigeon racing but realises that they can also give a lot back to keep this beautiful hobby alive. Our national chairman also congratulated all champions and wished everyone a great pigeon season 2025.

Afterwards, it was up to the moderator to call the champions on stage and honour them in an appropriate manner. As championships are organised for both the Dutch and French-speaking parts of the country, and according to the different rankings achieved in the various championships, the champions were divided into different groups and these groups were honoured separately. You can find the photos below.

Between the celebrations, attendees were able to enjoy a delicious cold/warm and dessert buffet à volonté. Those who see the photos below will confirm that not a word was exaggerated. No wonder everyone was enjoying with wall-to-wall smiles on their faces. Conviviality more than trumps in the beautiful hall of Hotel Van Der Valk in Nivelles 

The good ambiance was further enhanced by the beautiful live music brought by the two-piece orchestra "Good Gestoord"

The highlight was of course the celebration of the 2 best lofts in the country at the 2024 "Herbots Championship" . Team Baetens and SVan Oeckel Bart & Nance  got to take home the biggest cups.  

"Thanks to the whole Herbots team for this great party and guaranteed until next year"...these were the words of many as they said goodbye to return home!

Courtesy of Maarten Deboe of Columba Photography