
Patrick Vervloesem from Rijmenam wins 1st Provincial Vierzon 3,489 young pigeons

23 Aug 2024

In the national race from Vierzon, Patrick Vervloesem from Rijmenam in Antwerp wins the 1st Provincial against 3,489 young pigeons. His young pigeon wins a very early national prize against most of the early pigeons at a completely different location. This was also the case when he won a 1st National (z) at Argenton with his 2-year old cock. Even then his pigeon had a big lead compared to the 2nd pigeon and this is now the case again in the zone. 

The winning pigeon is a cross between the pigeons of Nick & Roger Thijs that he obtained through Buelens Kim and his super breeding line of “Superkweker 564” together with the Gaston Van de Wouwer pigeons. 

Coincidence or not, but a full sister of the winner of Vierzon also won the 1st prize from Sermaises on the same day against 1,017 pigeons. 

Winner Vierzon

BE 24-6010532 Checkered white flight Hen
1st Provincial Vierzon 3,489 youngsters
1st Nat (z) Vierzon 2,755 youngsters (9th National 16,892 youngsters)

Father BE 23-6105997 Grandson Sparrow – 100% Nick & Roger Thijs via Buelens Kim 
Son of “206/22” Son Kleine Witte is brother of 3rd Nat. Ace Pigeon All Round youngsters KBDB 2021 and 6th Nat. Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance youngsters KBDB 2021 x “183/ 22” Daughter Sparrow who won 1st Nat Argenton 14,787p and 16th Nat Gueret 12,888 pigeons

Mother BE 18-6254851 “Cheese Cake” 
Daughter of “564/08” Superbreeder 564 x “281/16” Pauline is a super breeding hen and inbred old base couple Bak 13.

Patrick and Bieke, congratulations on this victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim