
Roger Berckmans (Kortenberg) wins 1st Provincial Argenton 1,821 yearlings

16 Jul 2024

Roger Berckmans was victorious again in last Saturday's national race. Two weeks ago he won 1st National (z) against 1,324 yearlings at Argenton and this hen won 5th National against 11,184 yearlings. Now two weeks later it is the turn of “Nora”, she is a hen that was bred by Jean Van der Elst and was purchased as a voucher. She now wins 1st Provincial Argenton against 1,821 yearling pigeons and 6th National against 11,777 yearling pigeons. 

Delivering such a top performance in two weeks is fantastic for Roger, he is assisted by his son Robby and together they run this colony. Roger is 85 years old and for him a national victory would be the pinnacle in his pigeon career, which has been very successful and always with not many pigeons. 

The racing hens sit among the young pigeons and were coupled with the widowers in the winter, because they were so stable in the loft and had a permanent partner. Afterwards they moved to the young pigeon loft where they were darkened and raced among the young pigeons. They are therefore currently still on a full wing and will still be raced in a nest in the widower loft when the widower season is over. 

So the racing team is actually raced in total widowhood here, if their cock is still on a flight when they are already home, another cock is taken from the loft and placed in a living box together with the hen to keep them motivated. . They train with the young pigeons every day and when they were trained again we took the hens for extra training, which we think can never hurt. 

In terms of nutrition, we mix Aidi Vliegmix 2 and 3 together with Beyers Galaxy Light Sport. They are fed lightly in the beginning and raised during the last few days. In the beginning, these hens were certainly not given a heavy diet because they were among the young pigeons. Then it is mainly Vliegmix 1 Aidi together with Beyers Galaxy Light Sport. In the medical field, we regularly send a manure sample to Vincent Schroeder and that advice is acted on. The pigeons are given something against tricho or coccidiosis once a month so as not to take any risks and they have only been treated once this year against the respiratory tract. In terms of additional products, we use those from the Schroeder – Tollisan range.

Winners Argenton 

BE 23-2115615 “Nora” Blue Hen
1st Provincial Argenton 1,821 yearlings
6th National Argenton 11,777 yearlings 
2 Sancoins 102p
48 Prov Vierzon 1.048p

Breeder: Jean Van der Elst (Halle)

The hen was purchased as a voucher because Jean had beaten them on a very hard Noyon in the team game against more than 4,000 pigeons. Roger won the 2nd prize there with his best widower who flew far ahead locally and Jean then won the first prize. In that respect, this performance was rated as very good and they bought a voucher from them. However, these were very scarce, so they had to have some patience for this. Regular contact has been maintained since then and the hen was also named after Jean's wife. A nice tribute for a new super performance. This winner previously also won twice a 1st prize in the middle distance.

BE 23-2082869 « Lady Argenton » Checkered Hen
1 Nat (z) Argenton 1,324 yearlings 
5 ​​National Argenton 11,184 yearlings 
6 Momignies 296p
12 Momignies 247p
17 Soissons 506p
25 Sermaises 344p

Father BE 21-2073589 
½ brother “Pajot” 5 x 1st 
½ brother “Magic 24” 10 x 1st 
Son of “GB 314/16” Grandson Black Power Hardy Kruger x “947/13” Super breeding hen Kris Cleirbaut is also mother of 1 Nat (z ) Bourges 4,514p and inbred Kaasboer Gaston Van de Wouwer 

Mother BE 19-2064670 
½ sister 17 Nat Bourges 36,307p 
Daughter of “142/13” Won 1 Souppes 181p, 11 Prov Vierzon 776p and 31 Nat Chateauroux 3,933p. 
Is a son of “Den Dikke”, direct Verreckt – Ariën.x “304/11” is grandmother of 1 Nat Tulle 2017 and direct Dennis Veugeleers is line “Superman” 1st National Blois 33,709d

Roger and Robby, congratulations on these great victories and your 1st National is very much yours. 

Buelens Kim