Vincent Schroeder (Schalkhoven) 1st Nationaal Barcelona 6.310 old birds
01 Feb 2025
During the racing season, the Spanish classic from Barcelona always remains something special, many countries in the world follow the arrivals live via several websites and to win with a national or international victory is always something very special. The pigeons were released at 7:15 am in the 2024 edition and with favorable weather conditions it would be possible that clocking could take place on the same day. The winner for our country is located in the province of Limburg, namely in Schalkhoven, where Vincent Schroeder has found his new home base since 2020. His hen is the only pigeon ever to reach her loft before neutralization. A unique achievement in itself and especially when you know that no pigeons were reported in the eastern part of France and the eastern part of Belgium, this achievement is even clearer and more special to portray.
We all know Vincent because of his job as a veterinarian and his products from Schroeder – Tollisan. In 2020 he moved from Bilzen to Schalkhoven and set up an aviary here to start the first youngsters. Among the racing team now at Barcelona there were 2 hens from 2020. In 2021 it really started with a completely new loft. where the focus is on long distance and mainly extreme long distance. Because of his busy job, there is hardly any time to deal with more pigeons and without the help of his wife it would not be possible at all. That's why I certainly couldn't forget to thank and mention this one from Vincent.
The winner is a 2-year-old lesbian hen who stopped time at the Schroeder home around 9:45 and 51 seconds. What followed was emotion and pride for this pigeon and what she has achieved. It would later turn out that she won the 1st National Barcelona for Belgium against 6,310 old pigeons. In general, Vincent is clearly satisfied with his Barcelona team, a loft in full growth and construction had 7 pigeons in the clock around 9 am and at 2:45 pm 11 pigeons were home out of 13. The confirmation after he also won 3rd and 26th provincial in 2023 in Barcelona against 922 pigeons with only 5 basketing.
The winning hen “Queen Lea” is a daughter of super breeder “Super Gijs” from Piet De Vogel coupled with the best of A.J. Van Amerongen.
For the first time, children from “Queen Lea” herself, her parents and her nest sister will be sold via our website Something very special for the Barcelona specialists among us. The last 2 pigeons come from “Lady Barca” who won 3rd Provincial Barcelona in 2023 and has now classified her well again.
In terms of references, Vincent's pigeons are also doing very well elsewhere, for example, last week Goosse Jean won 1st National Valence with a 50% Schroeder pigeon. Other references with 50% Schroeder origin are 1st National Limoges last year against 8,970 yearlings by Constant Georges, 1st Provincial Agen, 1st Provincial St.Vincent, 2nd Provincial Perpignan, 6th National Marseille,... Vincent also enjoys this very much.
Winner “Queen Lea” BE 22-5107591
1st National Barcelona 6,310p 1061km
First pigeon ever in the province of Limburg to reach the loft from Barcelona before 10:00 PM.
Father NL 18-1069017 “Super Gijs”
Original Piet De Vogel
Super breeder and father of 50 Nat Agen, 62 Nat Narbonne, 79 Nat Agen,…
Grandfather of 3 + 10 Prov Libourne, 3 + 12 Prov Narbonne '24 and 90 Nat Barcelona 6,310p '24
Son of “NL 12-027” Mister Gijs is a full brother of “Super MG 430” from the Jellema family x “NL 15-366” Romana is a daughter of “Roman” and father of 6 + 7 Int.Nat Pau 9,908p x a daughter of “Snelle Jelle” Arjan Beens
Mother NL 20-1781818 “Daughter 510”
Original A.J. Van Amerongen
Daughter of “NL 18-510” Top racer, she herself won 81 Nat Agen, 83 Nat Narbonne and is a son of “Lady Narbonne” 39 Nat Narbonne x “NL 18-519” herself won 95 Nat Perpignan.
This auction contains truly special pearls for the future
BE 24-5103142 “Queen Lea 142” and BE 24-5103143 “King Leo 143”
These are 2 children of “Queen Lea” 1st National Barcelona 6,310p 1061km who was paired here with her half-brother and also a son of super breeder “Super Gijs” who was paired here with the grandmother of 1 Nat Valence '24 2,642p.
BE 24-5103133 “Broer Lea” and BE 24-5103135 “Zus Lea”
These are full brother and sister of “Queen Lea” 1st National Barcelona 6,310d 1061km
BE 24-5103137 “Barca Lady 137” and BE 24-1503146 “Barca Boy 146”
These are 2 children of “Lady Barca” 3rd Provincial Barcelona 922p in 2023 x a ½ brother of “Queen Lea” 1st National Barcelona 6,310p.
Vincent, congratulations on this great victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.
Buelens Kim