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Nechelput-Cornet (Kester) 1st National champion KBDB old + year birds 2020 2nd National ace bird KBDB short distance old 2020 6th National ace bird KBDB short distance year birds 2020

20 Mar 2021

Kester: While the start of the new season is in front of us we went quickly for a visit to the national champions KBDB short distance Kristof Nechelput and Frans Cornet out of the Flemish-Brabant village Kester (part of Gooik). 
It’s common known that those who want to crown themselves being a national champion short distance has to work really hard as the competition in Belgium is really though. For the season on 2020 the 5 best results with the 1st and 2nd signed counted due to the later start of Corona season. This champion is set of the old and year birds and the total distance of the 5 races together have to be minimum 350km. Only one result per weekend with a minimum of 100 pigeons en 10 fanciers can be entered. 
Kristof and Frans won this championship with the underneath 5 results : 

Noyon                  1st + 2nd against 621b
Quievrain            1st + 2nd against 446b
Quievrain            1st + 3rd against 356b
Quievrain            1st + 3rd against 282b
Quievrain            2nd + 5th against 281b 

Denis Sapin (Incourt) and Nibus Julien (Mortier) won the silver and bronze. 

Tandem since 2013
When you have 2 routined and motivated short distance champions that form a combination, this could take care of fireworks and this is exactly what happened at the tandem Nechelput-Cornet. Frans Cornet (76 year) is a true short distance racer that in a manner of speaking clocked more 1st prizes than prizes on his loft in Heikruis. Kristof Nechelput (43 year) is born in a warm pigeon nest. Grandfather once won the 1st International Marseille. When he died in a car crash his pigeons all came in a total sale but before they went to the auction table an entire round of eggs went to neighbour Frans Speliers. Frans raced together with his father Ernest where Ernest was responsible for the administration and Frans planned and carried out the ‘pigeon tactics’. Result, Kristof was more on the pigeon loft at neighbour Frans than at his kitchen table. In 2008 Kristof moved to his current house and at the same time the first lofts appeared in his garden. In 2013 Kristof and Frans decided to race in tandem. The best of both colonies was kept and coupled against each other. Nevertheless their pigeons asked for reinforcement and these came in buying target underneath pigeons: 
A first “boost-effect” came thanks to the one of the cocks “606/14” from Geert Van Roy and “143/11” from Thierry Defrene out of Onoz.
The “606-14” won himself 1st /203d Souppes (24th /1280b pajot) – 3rd /250d Souppes (43rd /3083b pajot) – 3rd /223b Souppes (14th /1362b pajot) – 4th /454b Souppes (11th /3133b Pajot) – 5th /285 Souppes (25th /1695b Pajot) – 5th /236b Souppes (14th /1535b Pajot) – 7th /263b Chateauroux (46th  National zone 3,653b). He is out of a coupling “Inbred Kleine Dirk” ( out of grandson x granddaughter “Kleine Dirk” C&G Koopman) x “Sister Black Olympiad”. The “606-14” became father to ao: “Ernest” (2nd National ace bird KBDB short distance old 2020) and to the 2nd prov. Ace bird KBDB short distance year birds 2018.

The “143-11” won himself 1st interprovincial Chateauroux. This cock comes out of the 2203596/2009 (direct Bros. Herbots out of “Brother Zorro” x “Sister Juliaan”) x “6065328/2010” (Van Elsacker Jespen). The “143-11” became father to ao. “Milan” (11th Nat. ace bird short distance KBDB youngsters)

A second “boost-effect” came with the reinforcement of pigeons from Van den Abbeel-Van Paesschen. Via a voucher the first hen from Van den Abbeel -Van Paesschen came onto the lofts in Kester and she became mother to 10 1st prize winners ! Afterwards Kristof and Patrick stayed friends and in 2020 6 youngsters from the 1st round from Patrick and Ilse Van den Abbeel -Van Paesschen to Kristof and Frans. And again it was a hit in the rose as the victory on 26/7/20 against 5126 youngsters and on 23/8/20 against 4,207 youngsters in the union of  “Pajot/Dender” were set with a direct Van Den Abbeel – Van Paesschen pigeon. Good blood doesn’t lie. 

Inside the hens section + little aviary for the racing hens



The season 2020 was started off with 20 couples on total widowhood. A slight nuance as of the 6 couples the partner isn’t raced (these are 5 cocks and 1 hen). When the Christmas presents are being opened also the racing team is being coupled and all couples can raise the youngsters. Kristof separated the hens on time so they wouldn’t lay for a second time. Due to Corona the season started of later and that’s why the racing team was being darkened from the 15th of March until the 15th of June. And also, and this to don’t let them come in shape, they could only train every two to three days. Afterwards the daily trainings were taken on again.
Once the season was fully going on every week 4 old ones were raced on Quièvrain while all the others went to Noyon. At basketing the cocks only got to see their nest dish and the hens were taken of the loft without any motivation. At arrival they stayed together for about 2h and then all was separated again. If the hens didn’t cuddle too much with each other? ‘That happens’ says Kristof ‘but that problem was solved by letting the one hen during daytime in a small aviary and leave the other hen onto the loft. At nights we switched.’ 

The old pigeons got at arrival from a race a mixture of “Gerry Plus I.C.” + “Champion I.C.” from Versele-Laga and Belgasol went into the water. On Mondays they didn’t train and 100% purgation was given with Zell Oxygen and Optimix mixed with it. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays there was in the morning purgation and in the evenings Gerry Plus I.C. on the menu. Then the intestinal conditioner from Backs + Herbo Elite go over the food. On Thursday mornings they get Gerry Plus I.C. and in the evenings 100% Champion I.C. and vitamins in the water. On Fridays 100% Champion I.C. and with warm weather again Belgasol in the drinking water. On Saturday mornings some candy and super diet is being given. 

Closer view at the ventilation and inside the widowersloft


Kristof goes on: “Medically it is Bjorn Geeroms (Roosdaal) the vet on call and before the breeding period and before the racing season starts, you can find me in his waiting room. I treated during 5 days against trichomoniases before the start of the season but this treatment wasn’t repeated during the season anymore. On Sunday evening the racing pigeons got the known yellow drops in the beak. Also against airway diseases I treated once during 5 days with Soludox. The old pigeons were vaccinated once against paramyxo and against small pocks with a brush. The youngsters were vaccinated with a combination-vaccine paramyxo-small pocks but still there were end of August some pigeons with small pocks. Next year we are going to vaccinate against small pocks again with a brush. On Friday evening the eye drops Linco Spectin are being given.  
If there are other problems during the season than I won’t doubt to consult Dr. Geeroms. “




A few top pigeons from the old racing team in 2020:

2119062/2018  “Den Ernest” : 2nd national ace bird short distance old kbdb 2020

Races in 2020 on only 10x basket:
1/437b  Noyon (pajot-dender)
1/446b  Quievrain
1/356b  Quievrain
1/223b  Quievrain
1/187b  Quievrain
3/282b  Quievrain
3/205b  Quievrain
5/281b  Quievrain
6/170b  Quievrain

Top 2 past years 
1/245b  Noyon
1/233b  Quievrain
1/73b    Quievrain
1/70b    Quievrain
1/68b    Quievrain  (2/135)
2/157b  Etampes (after loftmate, did only do 1 middle distance race)
2/184b  Quievrain (after loftmate)

2101145/2019: 6th national ace bird year birds kbdb 2020

always noyon, 
2/2988b (2/570)
3/792b (1/82)
6/1392b (1/191)
16/1047b (2/110)

2138196/2017 : 8x 1st prize without doubles on Noyon, 30 x per 10 

always noyon
1/581b, 1/402b, 1/361b, 1/324b, 1/238b, 1/193b, 1/134b, 1/85b (9/1392b), 2/1412b  (after loftmate), 2/111b (after loftmate), 3/233b, 5/175b, 5/83b, 5/84b, 6/78b, 6/331b, 9/1861b, 10/179b, 12/362b, 12/184b,  13/344b, 16/355b, 17/3267b, 19/240b, 21/2457b

2101105/2019: 3rd provincial ace bird KBDB year birds + old (sister 196/17) 

always noyon
(21 prizes on 22 races where off 14x per 20 ): 1/686b, 1/658b, 1/189b, 1/270b, 2/247b, 4/216b, 4/170b, 5/437b, 5/292b, 5/121b, 7/414b, 7/361b, 9/349b, 9/248b, 10/375b

2101111/19 : 3rd provincial ace bird KBDB youngsters 2019

always noyon
1/349b, 1/273b, 2/198b, 2/106b (11/1392b), 3/111b, 4/452b, 4/247b, 5/110b, 5/248b, 6/554b

Yearly about 70 youngsters are weened for own use. These are 50 of the 1st and 20 of the 2nd round. The youngsters are being darkened from the 15th of March until the 21st of June, this from 16h30 to wake up with the morning sun. From the moment the darkening stops we give them more light them until the end of the season. 
Once the youngsters are separated there is “Start Plus IC” on the menu and then they change onto “Dark Plus IC”. During the season they are being fed in the same way as the old and year birds. Young cocks and hens stay together until their 3rd race and then the sliding door system is being applied. 
There were in 2020 two light break outs from adeno with the youngsters. They got purgation and Digestal and the problems were solved really quick. 

A look inside the youngbird loft


The golden breeding couple “2273606/2014” x “2001336/2013”
These are the parents to:

-2119062/2018: 2nd national Ace bird short distance old KBDB 2020: (10 x 1st)
1/437(N), 1/446, 1/356, 1/245 (N), 1/223, 1/233, 1/187, 1/73, 1/70, 1/68, 2/157 (Etampes), 2/184, , 3/282, 3/205, 5/281, 5/218, 6/170
A youngster out of this one races on Noyon 213253/20:  2/628 (3/5065), 3/418 (39/3718), 8/708 (55/6407)

- 2138194/17: 2nd Prov ace bird short distance KBDB year birds ‘18, was unfortunately lost on the disaster race of the 7th of April 2019
This one races as year bird on Quievrain: 1/145, 1/133, 1/108, 2/179, 3/118,4/112, 5/134,  6/127, 6/100, 8/98, 9/105,
Youngster “128/19” races on Noyon 1/314, 2/216, 2/203, 3/200, 3/554, 5/349, 6/658, 7/170

-2138193/17: 1/111, 2/144, 2/113, 2/83, 3/446, 3/237, 3/180, 3/135, 3/104, 4/356, 4/282
Youngster out of this one races on Noyon 2113239/20: 4/5065, 14/560, 38/708, 41/550
Youngster out of this one races on Noyon 2101138/19: 2/686, 2/178 (15/2345), 3/82 (7/792), 6/414, 6/147, 8/374, 8/116, 15/644, 19/554

- 2119034/18: Noyon: 1/175, 1/170, 1/157 (Etampes), 1/81, 1/76,  2/493, 2/135, 2/121, 4/204, 4/321

- 2101107/19: Noyon:  3/361, 4/416, 5/375, 7/349, 12/292, 14/198, 17/203

-2101198/19: late youngsters which raced only 2x Quièvrain in 2019 end of October. This one races on his last 4 races on Noyon in2020: 1/210, 6/721, 6/200.

-2113232/20: Noyon 6/451, 14/708, 24/550

Results 2020: 
14/6: Quievrain: 1,2,3  on 446 old (3/5)
14/6: Noyon : 2,3,8,22,22,28,34, on 374 year birds (12/18)
20/6: Noyon: 1,4,5,6,14,14  on 147 year birds (11/11)
27/6: Noyon : 1,5,7,8  on 116 year birds (8/11)
28/6: Noyon: 3,4,5,6,8,9,13,15,16,20,23, on 435 old (17/30 per 4)
28/6: Noyon 2,3,4,5,6,9,12,14,25, on 248 year birds (18/20)
28/6: Quievrain: 1,3,4,5 on 356 old (4/5)
6/7: Noyon: 1,2,3,5,9,11,15,16,17,18,20,27,29,33  on 339 old (22/31 per 4)
6/7: Quievrain: 1,2,5,7 on 281 old (4/4)
12/7: Noyon: 1,2,3,4 on 216 old (6/6)
12/7: Noyon: 1,2,3,4 on 111 year birds (6/6)
12/7: Noyon: 1,2,5,6,7,10,12,13,14,15,28,40,41  on 558 youngsters (20/34)
19/7: Noyon: 1,2,4,5,9,12,13 on 110 year birds (8/9)
19/7: Noyon: 4,5,6,9,11,13,17, 25 on 231 old (13/18 per 4)
19/7: Noyon: 2,3,4,13,14,16,31,32,42,59 on 560 youngsters (19 op 33)
19/7: Quievrain: 1,3,4,5 on 282 old (4/4)
26/7: Noyon: 1,2,3,11,12 on 106 year birds (7/10)
26/7: Quievrain: 1,2 on 223 old (2/4)
26/7: Noyon 1,2,3,4,6,8,11,12,22,23,24,25,32,33,41 on 550 youngsters (23/33)
2/8: Noyon: 1,2,3,4,5,14,15,16 on 158 old (8/11) 
2/8: Noyon 1,2,3,7,8 on 82 year birds (5/7)
2/8: Noyon: 1,2,4,5,7,8,10 on 170 old (8/12)
2/8: Noyon : 1,2,3,4,5,8,11,13,14,15,18,38,65 on 708 youngsters (19/32)
9/8: Due to the heat the races were cancelled
16/8:Noyon  2,3,5,8,9,11,14 on 121 old (8/10)
16/8:Quievrain  1,3,17,21 on 205 (4/4)
16/8: Noyon: 1,2,3,15,16,38,40,4247,53,55,56  on 628 youngsters (15/32)
23/8: Noyon: 1,3,4,5,11,11,13,18,19,21,29,32,37,40,44,54 on 544 youngsters (24/48)
6/9: Noyon: 2,3,7,8,9,12,19,20,21,22,28,28,30  on 265 youngsters (24/35)

This year the club (De Eendracht Tollembeek) where they weekly race entered the union of “Pajot-Dender” for the 1st time.  Nevertheless Kester is situated totally in the front of the union Pajot Dender (most of them race 10 to 30 km further), they still set fantastic results with the youngsters. And on top of that these were released on an interprovincial level (together with the provinces East-Flanders and Antwerp) and need to leave the flock as first ones. 
23/8:  1,10,13,15,51,51,55, 79, 88, 101 …..  on 4,207 youngsters  (19/48)
16/8:  2,3,4,47,48,  on 5,065 youngsters (16/32)
9/8: due to the heat the races were cancelled 
2/8: 6,17,19,27,28,55,113,118,122,124,148 on 6,407 youngsters (19/32)
26/7: 1,2,6,7,11,14,48,50,  on 5,126 youngsters (23/33)
19/7:  4,5,6, 138, 139, 148,  on  5,247 youngsters (19/33)
12/7:  2,3,41,77,81,115,  on 4,949 youngsters  (18/34)

Top results of marvellous quality pigeons guided by motivated pigeon fanciers. Curious what the next achievement will be.

Kristof and Frans, from the entire Herbotsteam a big congratulations and up for new stunt results in 2021!

Stefan Mertens