We want to support you fully when using the Herbots website.

Do you have questions regarding login or registration? 
Do you want more info about online bidding and/or buying?

A lot of your questions will be answered below.
Select the category concerning your question and run through the available info:



How to bid?

How to bid on pigeons in an internet auction pigeon bids or a public auction ?

We have 2 kinds of auctions :

  1. Pigeon Bids : these are internet auctions with only online biddings
  2. Public auctions : for these auctions we have a prebidding on our website. After this prebidding, there is a live auction in the auction room. The biddings in the auction room start with the highest online internet offer.

You will first see the active auctions with start and end date and at the bottom the future auctions.

Attention : each bidding is handled confidentially. Each bid you place, is considered binding. If there is a bid during the last 10 minutes before the end of the auction, the end time is extended with 10 minutes. The winning bidder will be informed within 24h by e-mail about payment and delivery options.

Step 1. Go to our well-known web address www.herbots.com

Step 2. First you have to register ('How to register?') after which you can log in to our website ('How to login?')

Step 3. You can go via the menu  to the section “Pigeon Bids” where you see the overview below.

Step 4. Click on the auction of your choice and click on 'Go to auction'

Step 5. You receive the overview of all pigeons in the auction, with the name and ring number of the pigeon, sex and photo. You can also see the current bid here. Underneath the photo you can see the remaining time until the end of this auction.

You can click on the pigeon for all detailed information like a.o. pedigree, photo, rating.

You can also immediately place a bid by clicking on the green button “Place a bid”.

Step 6.

When you click on “place bid”, you will see the screen below with on top in blue the current offer. You have to be logged in first before you can make a bidding. You can place a new bid in the first case by adjusting the amount with the arrows or you can also place a bid immediately by introducing the amount in the white field (the system will automatically put the next minimum offer in this field, you will find more information on the bidding steps here

Bidding steps :
€ 250 + € 25,00
€ 500,00 + € 50,00
€ 1 000,00 + € 100,00
€ 2 000,00 + € 200,00
€ 3 000,00 + € 250,00
€ 5 000,00 + € 500,00
€ 10 000,00 + € 1 000,00
€ 20 000,00 + € 2 000,00
€ 30 000,00 + € 2 500,00

If you want, you can introduce another alias in the field “alias”. This is completely optional, if you leave this field blank, the system will automatically show the alias from your profile.

Then you click on the green button “place bid” and you will be requested to confirm you bid, see picture below.

In this screen you can also enter your buying order, which will assure that the system will place a bid in your name until the maximum amount you have introduced, has been reached.

Result : as long as the maximum amount you have introduced, has not been overbid, the highest bid will automatically be in your name. It is important to know that a buying order always has priority. If somebody else places a bid with the same amount as the maximum amount of the buying order, the pigeon will be assigned to the buying order. If your maximum buying order has been overbid, you can still continue to place new biddings and buying orders, and this for as long as the auction is still active. The buying order will only be visible for you. If you want to place a buying order, it is not necessary to also introduce a separate bid on top. You can immediately introduce the amount of your buying order in the field under “place a buying order” and then click on the green button “place a buying order”. The system will now automatically place the next minimum bid with your alias and will afterwards continue to place biddings until the amount you have introduced, has been reached.

Follow-up of your bids

Via your profile, by clicking at the right top on your alias, you can get an overview of all pigeons on which you have placed a bid, via “your account”. From this screen you can easily click to the detail page of the pigeon where you can place a bid.

The pigeon for which you have the highest bidding, you will see the amount of bidding in green. 
The pigeon for which you are overbid, you will see the amount of bidding in red. 
The other pigeons on which you have not made a bidding, are indicated in  black/white.

You will see the same screen here to place a bid and/or a buying order (see step 6 above). Additionally, you can also consult the overview of all bids on this pigeon. The system will automatically show the 5 most recent bids, if you click on the blue button "load more”, you will get the total overview.

When a bid has been placed via a buying order (see step 6 above), this will be mentioned next to the amount.

If you have any questions or if you need help to place a bid, do not hesitate to contact us via 011 / 78 91 90.

How to log in?

Step 1. Go to our well-known web address www.herbots.com

You have registered before ('How to register?') so you can now immediately log on to our website, after which you can easily buy pigeons or products.

Step 2. Click in the top right corner on “my account”.

Step 3. You will see the following pop-up  with“log-in”; you can enter your e-mail address and password as you have used during your registration.

Step 4. Click on “log in”.

Step 5. You are now logged in and you can now choose to 'continue surfing' or to go your account page to make adjustments, change your password, check your orders, shopping cart and so on...


Do you have any other questions or do you need help to log in ? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly help you.

Dungelstraat 37
3440 - Halle-Booienhoven
Tel: +32 (0)11 78 91 90
E-mail: jo@herbots.be

How to register?

Step 1. Go to our well-known web address : www.herbots.com

Step 2. Click on “my account” in the top right-hand corner

Step 3. Click in pop up screen on the green button “Register a new account'  


Step 4. In the following screen we ask you to fill out all information as correctly and completely as possible.

Step 5. After you have filled out all the fields above correctly ,you can click on the button “Register”. You will now get the message that a confirmation mail has been send to the filled in e-mail address.

Step 6. Click on the link in the Welcom e-mail that has been send to the email address you have entered in the registration form. 

Step 7.  You will be redirected immediately  to our website with the confirmation that your account has been created. 

Step 8.  You can now  log in to your account with your e-mail address and your password and can complete all your personal details in your account.  Always click on the blue button to 'update' your information and address. 


Do you have any other questions or do you need help with the registration ? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly help you.

Dungelstraat 37
3440 - Halle-Booienhoven
Tel: +32 (0)11 78 91 90
E-mail: jo@herbots.be

How to buy a pigeon on “top pigeons for sale” ?

Step 1. Go to our well-known web address www.herbots.com

Step 2. First you have to register (How to register?) after which you can log in to our website (How to login?)

Step 3. You can  click immediatly on one of the pigeons on the 'Homepage' or go via the menu  to “top pigeons for sale” where you get the overview below.

You can make the following selections :

  • Gender : male / female
  • Distance : speed / middle distance / great middle distance / long distance / extreme long distance
  • Keyword : you can give a keyword to make a selection (name breeder, ring number, … )
  • Date ↑ : oldest pigeon added on the website
  • Date ↓ : newest pigeon added on the website
  • Price ↑ : highest price
  • Price ↓: lowest price


You can select the pigeons on following status: 

  • new  : these are pigeons which have been published recently (less than 1 week ago) on the site and are indicated with the label “new”
  • promo : these are pigeons which put “in promotion” by the seller and offered at a lower price
  • reserved  : these pigeons have been reserved by a client and they are marked as “reserved” in anticipation of the payment. As soon as we have received the payment, these pigeons are removed from the website.


Labels at the pigeon

You can find the following labels :

Step 4. You can click on the pigeon of your choice to go to the detail page where you can find the pedigree, photo, overview results and other useful information.

Step 5. If you want to reserve the pigeon, you click on the green shopping cart pictogram, after which you will get a check  as confirmation that the pigeon is added to your shopping basket .

Step 6. If you click on your shopping cart above  you can now see the content of your shopping cart, where you can choose “edit cart and check-out” .

How to make a payment?

All pigeons and products have to be paid within a delay of 7 calendar days after reservation. This is possible by wiring the money into our account (see underneath) or via our online payment system (). All amounts are always mentioned in EURO and all payments have to be made in EURO, unless agreed otherwise. All bank and other payment costs always have to be paid by the customer.

The shipment/pick up can be done after reception of full payment.

If payment has not been done within the requested delay, Herbots maintains the right to cancel the reservation.

IBAN : BE90 0015 8217 0232

IBAN : BE09 2300 5121 0057