Pigeon Bids Van der Maelen Sonia - "Wout" edition
18 Mar 14:00
Auction details
Sonia Van der Maelen and her husband Danny have been among the very best fanciers in the province of East Flanders for decades. Sonia and Danny are at the basketing table from the first weekend to the very last weekend of the season.
With their “Wout” (6th National acebird KBDB Allround) they have a real crack under their belt and especially for this edition of Pigeon Bids, they selected besides 3 children of “Wout” also 2 full sisters and a brother with top performances. Herewith:
“Lady Toury":3rd Prov. ace KBDB ½ long distance yearling '23
“Nafi": Won 14 x 1/10 - 1st Sermaise 292b. - 1st Noyon 296b. - 24th National Issoudun 12,349b.
“Checquered Ian 1": 1st Chateauroux 209b. - 2nd Noyon 195b. - 6th Toury 298b.