Dinos Dassios

Dear Jo

With this mail I would like to express my gratitude for the Hen that you had offered me a Daughter of De Jos

At the final race of Halkidiki OLR a pigeon of hers, took the 21st place. The initial amount of birds was approximately 1030. The final race was a very difficult race that only 33 birds arrived in the fist day. All the races of the culombodrom, took place over the sea at temperatures closed to 40C.

The pigeon was the result of the breeding between your hen and a Koopman strain cock.
Attached you can fine the pedigree of the pigeon.

PS the bird war running under the name Hohlakas, At the auction the pedigree will be the one attached,

I thank you once more

Best regards

Dinos Dassios

Bruno Pripko

Hi Jo

How are U?

My father have some flights already made and on 7/5/2015 he won a
Provincial Race from Prague

It is 279 km he send 28 pigeons he won with grandson of your old
cock (B02-2325793) with name De Schellens, maybe U remember him. By us it is one of
the best breeders we ever have! His children's won by us races from
279 km to 853 km!!! Absolutely crazy , this cock is from 2015, and his
father ( the son of De Schellens is from 2000 is direct from U), his
absolutely latest children witch he gave to us. But as we said the
best on the end? Maybe.

Pigeons send total 1613 father have send 28 and made 11 prices-
1.,38.,40.,44.,47.,50.,56.,etc velocity of winner was 1467 m/m

Mgr. Bruno Pripko
Obchodno technický zástupca  Kernite
Divízia NCH



Thank you very much for your hard work on the auction.
I was very impressed.

Thank you once again.


Eric Alvarez

Hello Jo,

Your inbred granddaughter of Yvan, B-2189752/13 BCH when paired to an outcross cock, is the mother of ALVAREZ-2682. I have attached the first page of the Greater Tampa Bay Racing Pigeon Combine race result sheet. 2682 won the race by almost 7 minutes before the 2nd pigeon. It was a very fast race. She flew 285 miles to my loft against 43 lofts and 751 pigeons in the race.

Thank you for this fine hen.

Best regards, Erio and Eric Alvarez

Javier Peral

Dear Mr Jo,

First of all to give you thanks for this very nice year that I have been dealing with you for getting good pigeons

I think is the best choice, to work with Herbots company is always the right choice to get the best quality of pigeons

From the last shipment, I was very impressed with the ones you breed for me, from IVAN and Fron EURO.
But I was also very much impressed with the high quality of Van de Haar birds! Fantastic ones!

With best regards

Javier Peral - Spain

Erio and Eric Alvarez

Hello Jo,

Eric and me want to thank you for the 3 pigeons you sent us. Your B-484/15 BBWft C and the 2 pale 8736 and 874/15 from Michaux Francois are super. They handle like we like and they are our type.

Thank you so much, Jo. 

Best regards,

Erio and Eric Alvarez

Humberto Zaballa

Hi Jo,

I am writing to thank you for this big surprise.
I appreciate a lot your negotiation of this extra free bird on top of your replacement bird as well.
Please give my thanks to the seller because of his nice gesture.

I am very happy about your great service Jo! Efforts like this highligths Herbots great Brand image.
And means guarantee overseas to the purchasing that we do.
Thank you a lot.

Best regards

Humberto Zaballa
Mexico City, Mexico.

Hiroshi Sugiyama

Dear sirs, Mr.Jo Herbots

Big News
Mr.Yoshiichi Higurashi got First Price Winnner of
Grand National Wakkanai Race 1100K dated May-10
This race is biggest race in Japan
Total Entry : 2553 pigeons  Speed : 1485 m

Father is NL04-2067753 "De Barcelona"
1st National Barcelona 7300-p 1100K - 2008

Mother is Grand daughter from "Sarina" (Hagens Brothers)
Father bought last year from you, now owner very happy
and he say thanks lots to Herbots family.
I can not understand it, then I had many time ask to
Mr.Higurashi, Really father is "De Barcelona"
I will send good photo for this one
Anyway, Now our group is very very happy

Yours faithfully,
Hiroshi Sugiyama