Is a half-brother, same father, to winners of:
2nd Nat. and 4th Internat. Agen ZLU ’23 
2nd Prov.and 4th Nat. Dax ’18 
2nd Prov. and 6th Nat. Agen ’19 
26th Nat. Cahors ’22 
27th Nat. Cahors ’21 
33rd Nat. Perigueux ’18 
44th Nat. St. Vincent ‘20
55th Nat. Cahors ’19 
65th Nat. Bergerac ’20 
87th Nat. Bordeaux ’20 
98th Nat. St. Vincent ‘20
And also to 128th, 115th, 170th and 179th Nat. winners


Father: “Super Eye” NL15-1600187
Is father to above noted toppers
Is grandfather to winners of: 
1st Nat. Bordeaux ’24 
2nd Nat Bordeaux ’22 
8th Nat. Perigueux ’24 
14th Nat. Agen yearbirds ’23 
26th Nat. Pau ’24 
40th and 93rd Nat. Bergerac ’24 
100th Nat. St. Vincent ’22 
101st Nat. St. Vincent ’23 
Born out “Golden Boy” x “De Super 88”
“De Golden Boy” NL11-1618174 won:
8th Nat. Agen ‘14 
21st Nat. Agen ‘15 
54th Nat. Agen ‘13


Mother: “Last Gold” NL23-9230044
Last daughter of base breeder “Golden Boy”
Born out “Golden Boy” (all info see above) x “Miss Sinki” (daughter “Helsinki” x “Miss Tarbes”)


  • Kweker:
    Comb. J. Hommes & Znn
  • Verkoper:
    Comb. J. Hommes & Znn



Meer info

Lot 1 “Son Super Eye”
