Daughter 1st Nat. Perigueux
Is a half-sister, same father, to winners of:
1st Ace Marathon Afdeling 6
14th Nat. Pau ’23
14th Nat. Bergerac ’22
44th Nat. St. Vincent Z ’23
70th Nat. St. Vincent ’23
73rd Nat. Bergerac ’22
98th Nat. Cahors ’22
100th Nat. St. Vincent ‘22
Is a half-sister, same mother, to winners of:
2nd National Agen ZLU ’23
26th Nat Cahors '22
27th Nat Cahors'21
Father: “Zwarte Holleman” NL18-1099108
Is father to above noted toppers
Born out “NL17-1275417” x NL17-1275450”
“NL17-1275417” won
16th Nat. and 32nd Internat. Agen yearbirds ’18
139th Nat. Pau ‘19
158th Internat. Narbonne yearbirds 6,423b. ‘19
8th Best yearbird Internat. races Pipa Ranking ‘18
Is a full brother to 1st National Agen yearbirds ‘19
“NL17-1275450” won:
13th Nat. and 29th Internat. Agen yearbirds ‘18
32nd Best yearbird Internat. races Pipa Ranking ‘18
Is a half-sister to 4th Nat. St. Vincent and 8th Nat. Orange
Mother: “Jannie” NL17-1174516
1st National Perigueux ’18
51st Nat. Agen ZLU 4,776b.
73rd Internat. 11,572b.
Born out “De Holleman” x “Dutch Transfer”