Pigeon Bids Siegfried Müller April 2025

15 Apr 14:00 -
24 Apr 14:00

Veiling details

Siegfried Müller is known for his high quality breeding loft. Siegfried is always looking for the best of the best and has no fear to invest a lot of money in top birds
Especially for Pigeon Bids Siegfried bred and selected a top group of 2024-birds born out the successful breeding line of "Porsche 911", "Olympic Rico", "Daniel" "New Euro" and "Best Kittel"

Also on other lofts the “Müller birds” perform super. Here we can mention family Eijerkamp who bought “New Euro” (Olympiad bird and 1st Nat. ace Germany) by Siegfried. “New Euro” is a current top breeder at Eijerkamp. 
And also in Danmark they are very successful with the Müller birds because the 2nd National Olympiad bird Maastricht is a grandchild out Siegfried’s top breeder “Beauty Greipel”.